Opinions on Crown Royal?


HB Legend
Feb 20, 2022
Saint Louis, Mo
I was thinking of having a few Crown and Pepsi -- not Coke -- over the lunch hour.

I took an endible right before bed and it's like my body didn't metabolize it and I still feel high today. I'm not sure drinking will fix it, but it seems like the thing to do.

I'm probably need to drink more water too.
I was thinking of having a few Crown and Pepsi -- not Coke -- over the lunch hour.

I took an endible right before bed and it's like my body didn't metabolize it and I still feel high today. I'm not sure drinking will fix it, but it seems like the thing to do.

I'm probably need to drink more water too.

Ha! I actually thought to myself you were either drunk or high this morning based on your posts. The lock was saying you could tell NCHawk was black in his posts.

Edit to add: Crown is a nice smooth liquor…but not a day drinking option IMHO. Unless you want to be asleep by 5pm.
Ha! I actually thought to myself you were either drunk or high this morning based on your posts. The lock was saying you could tell NCHawk was black in his posts.

Edit to add: Crown is a nice smooth liquor…but not a day drinking option IMHO. Unless you want to be asleep by 5pm.

I was having trouble sleeping and popped an indica edible right before going to bed. Never do that if you're not going to stay awake a while after taking it. I've done this before and should have known better.

I just had to go through multiple meetings and work planning like this. Oops.
I was having trouble sleeping and popped an indica edible right before going to bed. Never do that if you're not going to stay awake a while after taking it. I've done this before and should have known better.

I just had to go through multiple meetings and work planning like this. Oops.

You sure you didn’t pop a sativa gummy?
I was thinking of having a few Crown and Pepsi -- not Coke -- over the lunch hour.

I took an endible right before bed and it's like my body didn't metabolize it and I still feel high today. I'm not sure drinking will fix it, but it seems like the thing to do.

I'm probably need to drink more water too.

You sound like a loser.
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I was thinking of having a few Crown and Pepsi -- not Coke -- over the lunch hour.

I took an endible right before bed and it's like my body didn't metabolize it and I still feel high today. I'm not sure drinking will fix it, but it seems like the thing to do.

I'm probably need to drink more water too.
Love me some Crown Royal. But why would you want to ruin it like that?
I usually reached for vodka or mouthwash (at work) if drinking strictly for medicinal reasons. Crown is probably okay in a pinch, but seems like a waste here.
Just makes a really good soda & whiskey. I've always loved the combo. By itself I can do it, usually just use it as a high end mixer

You strike me as the kind of guy that adds sugar to Southern Comfort.
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In college Crown Royal was crème de la crème.
After college Crown Royal is the brand you buy when you don’t want to pay for the good stuff, but don’t want to look like a cheap schmuck buying the plastic bottles either.
Save your money and go buy the Canadian whiskey from Costco. At least then you have a little value instead of the pretty purple bag you put your nuts in.
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