Oprah is an idiot

Why not have an on-air vasectomy? He needs one.

He must have a package the ladies really love. Or else he's just a smooth operator.
Oprah has never been and never will be married.
Her multimillion dollar empire can never be involved
in a pre-nup. However, she has used Mr.Stedman as
her stud companion to make social decorum goodness.

Bottom Line: Oprah is a wealthy single woman who
hangs out with Mr. Mustache Stedman.
Re: Oprah is an idiot[/URL]ANYCHawk posted on 3/31/2015...

Originally posted by INXS83:
Why not have an on-air vasectomy?
I heard they filmed one, but it got cut before final production.

Wouldn't that make it an on-air abortion?

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