Oscar Pistorius to be released on probation in August


HB Heisman
Feb 1, 2012
Your Mom's House
He will have served 10 months of his 5 year sentence. That's a pretty good sentence for straight up murdering your girlfriend in the bathroom. What do you think Oscar does when he gets out? Gets back to racing? Should the Olympics block him from participating? I personally think he shouldn't be able to compete with able bodied people in the first place with or without murdering his girlfriend.
I imagine he'll be banned that way the IOC can cut him off at the knees.
How can someone clearly murder their girlfriend and get off after 10 months? I'm stumped.
Well it's South Africa. Different standard. If he'd been convicted of full blown murder he would have gotten 15 years and been out in a year an a half. So it goes.

I assume he will weep and snivel for a while but go on making money one way or another.
That's right in line with their crime/punishment. As for the pun, is that the best ya got?

Meh, I knew I forced some low hanging fruit. I've been busy lately and lacking focus. I'll get back in form.

Maybe a book? Blast From The Past: The Reeva Steenkamp years? I've got nothing...