OT: Fun with Hawkeye player surnames.


HB Legend
Sep 12, 2013
Gesell. Origin both German and Swiss and one such method upon which the name was taken was as a description of a persons labor. In this case, one who tends goats, or is a goat herder. Perhaps an early hint that a basketball player named Gesell would be a point guard? The Gesell Coat of Arms?

I love the color scheme! Wow, how things seem destined.
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Uthoff. German, a topographical name meaning someone who lived on an outlying farm. Ut (out) Hof (farmstead or court).
Woodbury. Appears to be of ancient Scottish origin. A person who lived in the woods (wudu) near a stream (burna). Imagine Woody standing in line behind William Wallace. He and his companions raising their kilts and flashing the English! "Many an English eye was poked that day", Braveheart. (And that's the only eye joke I'll ever use.) The earliest Woodbury's seem to be of the very ancient Boernician tribe of Scotland. It's worth a lookup and turns out there is some Viking in there.
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Baer- Originating in the Ozark region of North America. Is the patriarch of the Bodine clan that relocated to Beverly Hills in the early 1960's upon his uncle's discovery of an oil vein that necessitated them to relocate.
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In Utah if you saw a Uthoff,
Would you try to untie his boot off?
It wouldn’t matter my friend,
The Hawks prevail in the end.
Uthoff With a boot off still wins the shoot-off!
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Clemmons, a name originated both from the a sad ballad and a plant native from Asia with sour or tart taste, which fits perfectly with Clemmons's plays during some bad games when he reverts back to a questionable starter role. In contrast, Clemmons plays like a perfect blend of sweet and tangy lemonade when one gets at the Iowa State Fair during a hot summer day ;-)

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