OT: Maybe bad news for Paterno lovers


HB Legend
Gold Member
Jan 15, 2005
Not sure if everyone is absolutely sick of the Penn State stuff and glad it's gone. But buddy sent me this article. If you care looks like Joe Pa possibly knew about all this in 1976 per some court papers.

Read on if you are interested. Don't if you are not. Feel free to ask WTF this has to do with Iowa football if you want. I welcome it all. :)
I have now seen reports he heard about incidents in the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000's. I only wished he would have lived a little longer. It would have been nice to see him face criminal charges and be disgraced and then drop dead.

Rot in hell Joe and Ped State you put your football program and your reputation in front of numerous innocent children.
The sad thing is the cult known as PSU football fans will find some way to make it seem like Joe was the victim
For God's sake, how much more evidence needs to be presented before it is agreed that this was a major problem many people knew about and let go on. Penn state deserves what they get. Suck it up and take the penalty. Joe's family has to face the facts, he knew.
I have now seen reports he heard about incidents in the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000's. I only wished he would have lived a little longer. It would have been nice to see him face criminal charges and be disgraced and then drop dead.

Rot in hell Joe and Ped State you put your football program and your reputation in front of numerous innocent children.
Well criminal charges aside, he was definitely disgraced before he dropped dead. Pretty sure he had to see his statue be taken down and B1G award re-named (unless he died first? Can't remember).
The internet tells me the B1G removed his name from the championship trophy a couple months before he died. The statue wasn't removed until half a year after his death.
What I'm about to say I don't view as a defense of Joe Paterno. Not knowing all of the facts of what was said behind closed doors, of course, it's not uncommon for people to disbelieve what they see or hear as a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with something they can't handle or wrap their minds around. This most commonly happens with women who don't want to believe their husband/boyfriend is sexually abusing their child.

Let me be clear: Joe Paterno had a moral obligation to confront/report anything he might have heard or possibly known regarding sexual abuse. My point is I don't believe Joe Paterno was intentionally ignoring this tragic issue because he was some calloused, inhumane dirt bag who had no regard for the children being hurt by that sick predator. My guess is he most likely couldn't wrap his mind around what was going on and found ways to obscure or completely circumvent the truth. Still wrong and I can judge him on his actions (or lack thereof) of being wrong. But in terms of his heart and soul, only God can touch that. Because nobody but God knows for sure what is in any man's heart, and I think some of you should bear that in mind.
What I'm about to say I don't view as a defense of Joe Paterno. Not knowing all of the facts of what was said behind closed doors, of course, it's not uncommon for people to disbelieve what they see or hear as a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with something they can't handle or wrap their minds around. This most commonly happens with women who don't want to believe their husband/boyfriend is sexually abusing their child.

Let me be clear: Joe Paterno had a moral obligation to confront/report anything he might have heard or possibly known regarding sexual abuse. My point is I don't believe Joe Paterno was intentionally ignoring this tragic issue because he was some calloused, inhumane dirt bag who had no regard for the children being hurt by that sick predator. My guess is he most likely couldn't wrap his mind around what was going on and found ways to obscure or completely circumvent the truth. Still wrong and I can judge him on his actions (or lack thereof) of being wrong. But in terms of his heart and soul, only God can touch that. Because nobody but God knows for sure what is in any man's heart, and I think some of you should bear that in mind.
Who is this god you speak of. Never methim must be on ESPN!
What I'm about to say I don't view as a defense of Joe Paterno. Not knowing all of the facts of what was said behind closed doors, of course, it's not uncommon for people to disbelieve what they see or hear as a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with something they can't handle or wrap their minds around. This most commonly happens with women who don't want to believe their husband/boyfriend is sexually abusing their child.

Let me be clear: Joe Paterno had a moral obligation to confront/report anything he might have heard or possibly known regarding sexual abuse. My point is I don't believe Joe Paterno was intentionally ignoring this tragic issue because he was some calloused, inhumane dirt bag who had no regard for the children being hurt by that sick predator. My guess is he most likely couldn't wrap his mind around what was going on and found ways to obscure or completely circumvent the truth. Still wrong and I can judge him on his actions (or lack thereof) of being wrong. But in terms of his heart and soul, only God can touch that. Because nobody but God knows for sure what is in any man's heart, and I think some of you should bear that in mind.

My problem with Paterno too is this guy stuck around for so long because of his ego and the need to add to his legacy as the coach with the most career wins. One of his saving graces in his investigation was that Paterno had no email. Which is kind of baffling that head coach of a major program would not have an email in the 2000s. But it also tells us what we all knew and suspected that he wasn't running the show with as much control as most head coaches and more a figure on the sideline. Never had a head set on or nothing. But not having a powerful figure in the know and everything who could put his foot down and squash certain people from being around the program and facilities hurt psu. Plus not having email I could only imagine how out the loop on important conversations with the university and coaches he missed. Some small and some big details.

Personally just have a hard time over all these years Paterno never heard anything even if rumors. And it starts and stops with him to see if there was any truth to these rumors or not and put a stop to them or prevent them from happening in the football facilities. I was so happy when they took his wins away. Because that was the thing he cares about so much by hanging around those last 5-10 years and in the end it burnt him in the butt.
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My problem with Paterno too is this guy stuck around for so long because of his ego and the need to add to his legacy as the coach with the most career wins. One of his saving graces in his investigation was that Paterno had no email. Which is kind of baffling that head coach of a major program would not have an email in the 2000s. But it also tells us what we all knew and suspected that he wasn't running the show with as much control as most head coaches and more a figure on the sideline. Never had a head set on or nothing. But not having a powerful figure in the know and everything who could put his foot down and squash certain people from being around the program and facilities hurt psu. Plus not having email I could only imagine how out the loop on important conversations with the university and coaches he missed. Some small and some big details.

Personally just have a hard time over all these years Paterno never heard anything even if rumors. And it starts and stops with him to see if there was any truth to these rumors or not and put a stop to them or prevent them from happening in the football facilities. I was so happy when they took his wins away. Because that was the thing he cares about so much by hanging around those last 5-10 years and in the end it burnt him in the butt.

I don't disagree with any of your points. What I was simply saying was that I don't believe Joe Paterno was part of some Watergate-like cover up to keep the sexual abuse hush hush. Of course, it's always possible that I'm wrong and he willingly and deliberately kept it under wraps. I certainly hope not, though, and as I stated in my earlier response, the most likely explanation is he simply wouldn't let his mind believe that type of thing was going on.

Regardless, you're right on the money about "it starts and stops with him."
I don't disagree with any of your points. What I was simply saying was that I don't believe Joe Paterno was part of some Watergate-like cover up to keep the sexual abuse hush hush. Of course, it's always possible that I'm wrong and he willingly and deliberately kept it under wraps. I certainly hope not, though, and as I stated in my earlier response, the most likely explanation is he simply wouldn't let his mind believe that type of thing was going on.

Regardless, you're right on the money about "it starts and stops with him."

No I agree with you and your post. Probably when I posted should have not hit reply to your message and posted by itself. The whole thing has been a long giant mess at psu with a lot of people in important positions just not having the courage to stand up and look into it and go that extra mile to make sure What was really going on and take care of the situation. Instead they just told someone else hoping they'd resolve the issue and in the end nothing happened for a really long time until it was way too late. Worse part I feel a lot of these guys including Paterno who told someone else never really followed up on it to hear if it was true or not and went on with things as if it wasn't a major deal. A ton of people at fault including joepa
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I would imagine that if someone told me that a close friend was abusing a child I would go out of my way to confirm that that person either was or wasn't doing these actions. Especially if I am possibly the most influential person in the state. I don't think denial or ignorance should even be floated to 'explain' the situation. He heard about it multiple times, did little to nothing to investigate, confirm, deny or prove the situation. I can only hope that there was justice in the end for him.
My problem with Paterno too is this guy stuck around for so long because of his ego and the need to add to his legacy as the coach with the most career wins. One of his saving graces in his investigation was that Paterno had no email. Which is kind of baffling that head coach of a major program would not have an email in the 2000s. But it also tells us what we all knew and suspected that he wasn't running the show with as much control as most head coaches and more a figure on the sideline. Never had a head set on or nothing. But not having a powerful figure in the know and everything who could put his foot down and squash certain people from being around the program and facilities hurt psu. Plus not having email I could only imagine how out the loop on important conversations with the university and coaches he missed. Some small and some big details.

Personally just have a hard time over all these years Paterno never heard anything even if rumors. And it starts and stops with him to see if there was any truth to these rumors or not and put a stop to them or prevent them from happening in the football facilities. I was so happy when they took his wins away. Because that was the thing he cares about so much by hanging around those last 5-10 years and in the end it burnt him in the butt.

What's really f'd up is this started not long in to Paterno's career, and less for that sick fu(k.
What I'm about to say I don't view as a defense of Joe Paterno. Not knowing all of the facts of what was said behind closed doors, of course, it's not uncommon for people to disbelieve what they see or hear as a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with something they can't handle or wrap their minds around. This most commonly happens with women who don't want to believe their husband/boyfriend is sexually abusing their child.

Let me be clear: Joe Paterno had a moral obligation to confront/report anything he might have heard or possibly known regarding sexual abuse. My point is I don't believe Joe Paterno was intentionally ignoring this tragic issue because he was some calloused, inhumane dirt bag who had no regard for the children being hurt by that sick predator. My guess is he most likely couldn't wrap his mind around what was going on and found ways to obscure or completely circumvent the truth. Still wrong and I can judge him on his actions (or lack thereof) of being wrong. But in terms of his heart and soul, only God can touch that. Because nobody but God knows for sure what is in any man's heart, and I think some of you should bear that in mind.

The date is January 12th, 2011, 11:06 a.m. The questions were asked byMs. Jonelle Eshbach, Witness, Joseph V. Paterno.

Q: Would you please introduce yourself to the Grand Jury?

Mr. Paterno: My name is Joseph V. Paterno.

Q: I’m sure everyone in the room knows, but just in case there’s anyone that doesn’t, how are you employed?

Mr. Paterno:
I’m a football coach at the Pennsylvania State University.

Q: As that football coach at the Pennsylvania State University, did you have as employed under you an individual by the name of Jerry Sandusky?

Mr. Paterno:
I did for a while, yes.

Q: Do you currently have employed for you since sometime in the early 2000s an assistant coach named Michael McQueary?

Mr. Paterno: Yes.

Q: I’d like to direct your attention to what I believe would be a spring break of 2002, around that time. Do you recall Michael McQueary calling you and asking to have a discussion with you about something that he observed?

Mr. Paterno: I’m not sure of the date, but he did call me on a Saturday morning. He said he had something that he wanted to discuss. I said, come on over to the house.

He came over to the house.

And as I said, I’m not sure what year it was, but I know it was a Saturday morning and we discussed something he had seen.

Q: Without getting into any graphic detail, what did Mr. McQueary tell you he had seen and where?

Mr. Paterno: Well, he had seen a person, an older — not an older, but a mature person who was fondling, whatever you might call it — I’m not sure what the term would be — a young boy.

Q: Did he identify who that older person was?

Mr. Paterno: Yes, a man by the name of Jerry Sandusky who had been one of our coaches, was not at the time.

Q: You’re saying that at the time this incident was reported to you, Sandusky was no longer a coach?
Mr. Paterno: No, he had retired voluntarily. I’m not sure exactly the year, but I think it was either ‘98 or ‘99.

Q: I think you used the term fondling. Is that the term that you used?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I don’t know what you would call it. Obviously, he was doing something with the youngster.

It was a sexual nature. I’m not sure exactly what it was.

I didn’t push Mike to describe exactly what it was because he was very upset. Obviously, I was in a little bit of a dilemma since Mr. Sandusky was not working for me anymore.

So I told — I didn’t go any further than that except I knew Mike was upset and I knew some kind of inappropriate action was being taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster.

Q: Did Mike McQueary tell you where he had seen this inappropriate conduct take place?

Mr. Paterno: In the shower.

Q: Where was the shower?

Mr. Paterno: In the Lasch Building.

Q: Is that on the campus of Penn State University?

Mr. Paterno: It’s right on the campus.

Q: Did you tell Mike McQueary at that time what you were going to do with that information that he had provided to you?

Mr. Paterno: I don’t know whether I was specific or not. I did tell Mike, Mike, you did what was right; you told me.

Even though Jerry does not work for the football staff any longer, I would refer his concerns to the right people.

Q: You recall this taking place on a Saturday morning, the conversation with Mike?

Mr. Paterno: Yes.

Q: When did you — did you do something with that information?

Mr. Paterno: Well, I can’t be precise.

I ordinarily would have called people right away, but it was a Saturday morning and I didn’t want to interfere with their weekends.

So I don’t know whether I did it Saturday or did it early the next week.

I’m not sure when, but I did it within the week.

Q: To whom or with whom did you share the information that McQueary had given you?

Mr. Paterno: I talked to my immediate boss, our athletic director.

Q: What is that person’s name?

Mr. Paterno: Tim Curley.

Q: How did you contact Mr. Curley?

Mr. Paterno: I believe I did it by phone. As I recall, I called him and I said, hey, we got a problem, and I explained the problem to him.

Q: Was the information that you passed along substantially the same information that Mr. McQueary had given you?

Mr. Paterno: Yes.

Q: Other than the incident that Mike McQueary reported to you, do you know in any way, through rumor, direct knowledge or any other fashion, of any other inappropriate sexual conduct by Jerry Sandusky with young boys?

Mr. Paterno: I do not know of anything else that Jerry would be involved in of that nature, no. I do not know of it.

You did mention — I think you said something about a rumor. It may have been discussed in my presence, something else about somebody.

I don’t know.

I don’t remember, and I could not honestly say I heard a rumor.

Q: You indicated that your report was made directly to Tim Curley. Do you know of that report being made to anyone else that was a university official?

Mr. Paterno: No, because I figured that Tim would handle it appropriately.

I have a tremendous amount of confidence in Mr. Curley and I thought he would look into it and handle it appropriately.

Q: We have no further questions of you.
What I'm about to say I don't view as a defense of Joe Paterno. Not knowing all of the facts of what was said behind closed doors, of course, it's not uncommon for people to disbelieve what they see or hear as a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with something they can't handle or wrap their minds around. This most commonly happens with women who don't want to believe their husband/boyfriend is sexually abusing their child.

Let me be clear: Joe Paterno had a moral obligation to confront/report anything he might have heard or possibly known regarding sexual abuse. My point is I don't believe Joe Paterno was intentionally ignoring this tragic issue because he was some calloused, inhumane dirt bag who had no regard for the children being hurt by that sick predator. My guess is he most likely couldn't wrap his mind around what was going on and found ways to obscure or completely circumvent the truth. Still wrong and I can judge him on his actions (or lack thereof) of being wrong. But in terms of his heart and soul, only God can touch that. Because nobody but God knows for sure what is in any man's heart, and I think some of you should bear that in mind.
Well said.
Not sure if everyone is absolutely sick of the Penn State stuff and glad it's gone. But buddy sent me this article. If you care looks like Joe Pa possibly knew about all this in 1976 per some court papers.

Read on if you are interested. Don't if you are not. Feel free to ask WTF this has to do with Iowa football if you want. I welcome it all. :)
What happened was very bad, but it is over and in the past. It's time for people to quit blaming Penn State fans and the school itself, as the people involved are no longer with the school.
What happened was very bad, but it is over and in the past. It's time for people to quit blaming Penn State fans and the school itself, as the people involved are no longer with the school.

I think it would be dead and forgotten had it not been for the way their fans acted. Instead of being embarrased they basically said nobody was at fault except Sandusky. If you mentioned Joe Pa's involvement they carried on and on and it sort of made it even bigger than it already was.
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What happened was very bad, but it is over and in the past. It's time for people to quit blaming Penn State fans and the school itself, as the people involved are no longer with the school.

Accountability is a lost trait these days, isn't it.

How about PSU step up and accept punishment for the actions of PSU administrators.

Is that the new rule? Fire everyone involved and then the institution can't be punished.

You know, I'm a little less concerned that PSU'S Football Program and fans suffer a little bit, than I am that an institution put its Football Program above the safety of innocent kids.

Priorities in life, might want to reconsider them.
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I feel sorry for the PSU womens basketball coach. (UNC humor).

I mean you wonder what Joe Pa was thinking when he didn't take it to the authorities? I mean I realize everyone has bosses, but if he wasn't apart of the program, why not turn him in. Yeah it might be bad news for a while, but at least you put him away. Instead of hiding it for years and then having it play out the way it is. Personally I would of called the AD told them about it and called the cops shortly after. Then gotten everyone in the program together and find out as much as possible and take whatever information we got to the police.

It seemed like JoePA told one person and let it go. Not good

Sorry but you have to bring the HAMMER down on PSU for the way they handled this situation.
I think PSU knew all about Sandusky and they told him to resign or they would turn him in. I also think Sandusky had something on PSU or he wouldn't have been allowed seemingly free rein of the university. Everyone at PSU was in on the cover up. They turned a blind eye to protect their precious university. I hope they all burn in hell. Their internet fans too. Dumb bastards.
I mean you wonder what Joe Pa was thinking when he didn't take it to the authorities? I mean I realize everyone has bosses, but if he wasn't apart of the program, why not turn him in.

If anyone else sees a RAPE in their workplace, they don't just tell their bosses and never wonder about it again.

You'd call the actual real cops and report the felony crime. Not just report it to higher-ups and go about your business of coaching a game.

It is a damn shame that a huge swath of people want to make excuses for Joe.
I think PSU knew all about Sandusky and they told him to resign or they would turn him in. I also think Sandusky had something on PSU or he wouldn't have been allowed seemingly free rein of the university. Everyone at PSU was in on the cover up. They turned a blind eye to protect their precious university. I hope they all burn in hell. Their internet fans too. Dumb bastards.
I think the big ten should think about expulsion of penn state of this goes all the way back to the 80s and we find out they knew even more then they are leading on.
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