Minnesota football has been irrelevant for half a century. They have no football culture , and what success they had in basketball was tainted with acedemic scandal. Their school mascot is a rodent. The weather is brutal and they compete with an NFL team right down the street (and who they shared a stadium with until very recently).
While his slogans and symbols seem cheesy to outsiders, I believe Fleck is doing what is needed to create some sort of tradition and brand for Goofer football. It takes more than marketing to win consistently in the B1G, so at some point the new uniforms and catch phrases will have to give way to actual program success. If the product on the field continues to flounder, then even the most ardent supporters will begin to grow weary of Fleck and the slogans will become even easier to ridicule. Since he did the same at WMU, it begs the question, is Fleck branding Minnesota Football or PJ Fleck? I thinks it's probably both. But in a job in a place barren of any real tradition you have to start from somewhere.