Parents say Fiorina "ambushed" children on a field trip for pro-life rally

The Tradition

HB King
Apr 23, 2002
Republican primary candidate Carly Fiorina has been accused of ambushing a group of Iowa pre-schoolers, who were on a field trip to a botanical garden, with an anti-abortion rally.

As a part of a day of campaigning across Iowa in order to boost her stagnant presidential campaign, Fiorina held a “right to life” forum at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, where around 15 children were directed to the front of a make-shift stage.

But one parent said he never gave Fiorina permission to have his child sit with her at the event.

“The kids went there to see the plants,” Chris Beck, the father of a four-year-old with whom Fiorina appeared, told the Guardian. “She ambushed my son’s field trip.”

Fiorina, who has made her anti-abortion stance a central part of her presidential campaign, reportedly discussed at the rally a series of undercover videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood trafficking in fetal body parts.

Beck said he was not comfortable with his son attending such a discussion.

“Taking them into a pro-life/abortion discussion [was] very poor taste and judgment,” he told the Guardian. “I would not want my four-year-old going to that forum — he can’t fully comprehend that stuff.”

“He likes dinosaurs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Transformers,” he added.

When asked if he would support Fiorina’s White House bid, Beck said he did not know enough about the former Hewlett-Packard CEO.

Sadly, no... this isn't from The Onion.
I'm about as pro-life as there is but I certainly wouldn't want my kids being used as a political prop at that age.

And abortion is certainly not something I want to try and explain to them at age 4.

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