Parks and Rec is....

Parks and Rec is a good show but The Office was better.

Also Community might be one of the most underrated sitcoms ever.
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I recently started rewatching all of P&R on Amazon. I had watched all, or nearly so, the series when it originally aired and hadn't watched it at all since then. My takeaways:
1. Some of the "local" characters, such as Perd Haley, are incredible.
2. The show may have the single funniest thing I've seen on TV. It involved the guys in animal control nailing a dead bird to the wall to make a whistle like they had in the Flintstones.
3. Champion steals every scene he is in.
4. They ran out of things to do with many of the main characters (April, Tom, others) who had one feature/quirk to their personality that they just beat to death.
5. The show went on for at least one, and arguably more, too many seasons. The shark jumping moments are all the celebrity guest stars. The various Pacers were OK, but all of the politicians, Jeff Tweedy(!), and others were when the show had run out of steam. I haven't been able to make it through the last season and don't plan to. In my memory, before rewatching, I would have sworn that the final episode was where they flash forward three years and she is working for the NPS. I now vaguely recall episodes from that final season, but they are very forgettable.
I recently started rewatching all of P&R on Amazon. I had watched all, or nearly so, the series when it originally aired and hadn't watched it at all since then. My takeaways:
1. Some of the "local" characters, such as Perd Haley, are incredible.
2. The show may have the single funniest thing I've seen on TV. It involved the guys in animal control nailing a dead bird to the wall to make a whistle like they had in the Flintstones.
3. Champion steals every scene he is in.
4. They ran out of things to do with many of the main characters (April, Tom, others) who had one feature/quirk to their personality that they just beat to death.
5. The show went on for at least one, and arguably more, too many seasons. The shark jumping moments are all the celebrity guest stars. The various Pacers were OK, but all of the politicians, Jeff Tweedy(!), and others were when the show had run out of steam. I haven't been able to make it through the last season and don't plan to. In my memory, before rewatching, I would have sworn that the final episode was where they flash forward three years and she is working for the NPS. I now vaguely recall episodes from that final season, but they are very forgettable.
You’re entitled to your opinion, it’s wrong, but you’re entitled to it.
No mention of The Golden Girls yet? Great show, great lines, and the serious issues they talked about back then (HIV/AIDS, war, guns, etc) are still relevant.
I always chuckle at the irony of having a limited government libertarian running the parks department.
The League.

Rafi, aka El Cunado is one of the funniest characters of all time.
I could agree w/ that, but Parks, to me, had the most lol moments of all of them (league was close).

I laughed this morning over an episode where this moral majority couple came in to stop a public meeting dealing w/ std's and senior citizens. The husband of the couple was FLAMING gay.
What? Why?
For me, Golden Girls was just way too forumlaic. The one lady is a sex-crazed diva, the other one is a simple minded dolt, the old one is a smartass. Rinse and repeat with the only wrinkles (pun intended) thrown in being the "in this week's social issue plot.....".

Now, all sitcoms traffic in broad characters that are a bit of a caricature, but it was worse than most, IMO. And you could always tell with 10 minutes how the story would end and what the "lesson" would be. Pretty boring.
I had this group pegged as a Married With Children bunch. Guess not.

No Ma’am!

lol, I’m sure there a ton of secret members here.

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For me, Golden Girls was just way too forumlaic. The one lady is a sex-crazed diva, the other one is a simple minded dolt, the old one is a smartass. Rinse and repeat with the only wrinkles (pun intended) thrown in being the "in this week's social issue plot.....".

Now, all sitcoms traffic in broad characters that are a bit of a caricature, but it was worse than most, IMO. And you could always tell with 10 minutes how the story would end and what the "lesson" would be. Pretty boring.

Formulaic but highly enjoyable, and they took on big issues. The show holds up.
The best TV lineup ever was on NBC around ten years ago with The Office, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, and Community.
That's not even in the top 5 NBC Thursday Night line-ups.
The mid-80's Cosby Show, Family Ties, Cheers, Night Court is likely the best.

They also had several years where a combo of 3 of the following were on the same night Friends, Seinfeld, Frasier, Will & Grace, Mad About You, Wings and Just Shoot Me.
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1. The Offfice
2. Parks and Rec
3. The King of Queens
4. 2.5 Men
5. Iowa Basketball

Honorable mention: Home Improvement and Boy Meets World
I said prove me wrong, SO PROVE ME WRONG SIR
It isn't even the best sitcom by a SNL weekend update host. Tina Fey's 30 Rock is way better.
In between game 2 and 3 of the Big Ten Tournament I did flip over to Comedy Central and caught the episode where Ron wins the chair of the year award, and Tammy 2 shows up. Anything with her is gold.
That's not even in the top 5 NBC Thursday Night line-ups.
The mid-80's Cosby Show, Family Ties, Cheers, Night Court is likely the best.

They also had several years where a combo of 3 of the following were on the same night Friends, Seinfeld, Frasier, Will & Grace, Mad About You, Wings and Just Shoot Me.
The Thursday line up that had Mad About You, Friends, and Seinfeld was the strongest sitcom night line up I can recall. You have to remove Cosby, because, you know, rapey stuff.
Top show ever? I am inclined to say Frasier.
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I got up this morning and decided to see what was on while I had a bowl of Cheerios, and Comedy Central is showing the episode where Tammy 2 seduces Jeremy Jamm. I laughed so hard I was in tears where Ron and Tammy start deprogramming Jamm by squirting Tammy's perfume in the air, and then smacking Jamm across the face.
I got up this morning and decided to see what was on while I had a bowl of Cheerios, and Comedy Central is showing the episode where Tammy 2 seduces Jeremy Jamm. I laughed so hard I was in tears where Ron and Tammy start deprogramming Jamm by squirting Tammy's perfume in the air, and then smacking Jamm across the face.
If the original question had been, "Parks and Recs has the greatest collection of ancillary characters ever", then I would agree. So far this morning I've seen Tammy 2, Jeremy Jamm, and Joan Calamazzo.