Participant in Cliven Bundy Standoff gets 68 years in Prison


HB Heisman
Feb 1, 2012
Your Mom's House

The weight of a heavy sentence landed in the quiet federal courtroom Wednesday morning, leaving Gregory Burleson occasionally stroking his graying beard and his attorney pleading unsuccessfully for leniency. The 53-year-old Burleson was the first to be sentenced for his role in the 2014 standoff between federal agents and supporters of Cliven Bundy near his Nevada ranch.
He got 68 years in prison. U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro did take into account his blindness and frailty — he sat in a wheelchair during the hearing — but she also reminded Burleson of his crimes, which included threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction of justice and interstate travel in aid of extortion. She said agents — who hunkered down in a wash while Bundy supporters trained guns on them, recorded them and shouted at them — were scarred from the experience and suffered mental trauma. “That isn’t something that heals over with a scab,” Navarro said. “You can’t put it in a cast or stitch it up.”

The case has been watched closely as it marked another round between the federal government and those who believe public lands should be transferred to local control. Burleson’s trial drew supporters from neighboring states throughout the proceedings, which ended in April, and a handful would gather outside the courthouse to monitor the developments and post updates to sympathizers on social media. But only a few showed up for Burleson’s sentencing at the federal courthouse in Las Vegas. They gathered outside on the sidewalk and they stretched a banner across two ladders that read, “Whatever it takes!” and a reference to a website seeking to free Cliven Bundy. Inside the courtroom, some supporters watched the sentencing, and Burleson’s mother appeared overcome as she talked quietly with his attorney, Terrence Jackson, in a corner outside the courtroom after Navarro’s decision. “He was resigned,” Jackson said. “He knew this was coming.” While Burleson’s sentence was lengthy — fellow convicted Bundy backer Todd Engel is scheduled to be sentenced in September — it was less than it could’ve been as Navarro took into consideration his deteriorating health. Jackson said he will appeal and said the sentence amounted to a life sentence for Burleson. With the reduction, it seemed to point to the federal government’s spotty and difficult track record with the Bundy family in court.

Last year, prosecutors lost a case when an Oregon jury acquitted Ammon Bundy, one of Cliven Bundy’s sons, and six others involved in a 2016 confrontation that centered on a 41-day occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. That standoff resulted in several pleading guilty to several charges, but Ammon and a brother, Ryan Bundy, were acquitted of a slate of federal felony charges. The confrontation also drew widespread attention after one man, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum,was fatally shot while he attempted to avoid a roadblock set up by federal agents. That acquittal of Ammon Bundy appeared to embolden those who think they are entitled to cattle-grazing rights on public lands without paying fees to the Bureau of Land Management and has given rise to some state lawmakers who have pushed for the transfer of federal lands to the states. The issue is especially prominent in states like Nevada and Utah, where the federal government controls 84% and 65% of the land, respectively.

The 2014 standoff was triggered after federal agents rounded up Bundy’s cattle they said were grazing on federal land illegally. The government says Cliven Bundy owes the government about $1 million in grazing fees. He insists he doesn’t have to pay. After the cattle were corralled, Bundy supporters, many of them armed, arrived from Nevada and states near and far to protest the government action. The supporters set up a military-style camp by his ranch near Bunkerville, east of Las Vegas. The situation grew tense, but there was no violence. In the end, officials gave in and let the cattle go. Four men charged in the standoff avoided convictions after jurors were unable to reach a decision on dozens of counts. Those men — Eric Parker, O. Scott Drexler, Richard Lovelien and Steven Stewart — are currently being tried again in federal court. Cliven and Ammon Bundy are also set to face trial in Las Vegas once that trial is completed.

Burleson has 14 days to file his intent to appeal. Jackson requested a prison with medical facilities to accommodate Burleson’s health problems, including his blindness, a skin condition and a battle with alcoholism. Burleson’s lawyer said on Wednesday that his client was manipulated into participating in the standoff and was only seeking fame — despite Burleson’s admission that he’d posted alcohol-fueled rants against the government. He said he never intended to harm or kill anyone during the standoff. Jackson said Burleson was sucked into the movement. “He became mesmerized by his fame,” Jackson said. Navarro, however, said it was clear it wasn’t “happenstance” that put Burleson in the standoff. She said he wanted to be there.
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I wonder when Trump's idiotic base starts calling for a pardon? I'd give even odds this "patriot" is out of jail within 4 years.
Pardon, no, but 68 years is effing insane. Drunk drivers that kill people don't get half that.
What would be the proper amount of years for the 3 following crimes?
but she also reminded Burleson of his crimes, which included threatening a federal law enforcement officer, obstruction of justice and interstate travel in aid of extortion.
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I guess I missed it. Do you have a link to anything stating the court proceedings with a conviction notice?
Really? Only blind liberals and people living under rocks don't know about it. Which are you?
How does a blind man aim a gun at anything? And I find it troubling that the feelings of the officers are being taken into account. They are government representatives. Their personal fears should not put people in jail.
How does a blind man aim a gun at anything? And I find it troubling that the feelings of the officers are being taken into account. They are government representatives. Their personal fears should not put people in jail.

I found this just as crazy as the 68 years. It's almost as if they were using the "emotional trauma" caused by a bunch of backwoods hillbillies hooting and hollering at agents to further justify or even tack on to this crazy sentence.

GTFOH with that nonsense. If they had gotten a hold of some of the agents and made them squeal like little piggies while getting railed from behind, then they would have a point.
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I found this just as crazy as the 68 years. It's almost as if they were using the "emotional trauma" cause by a bunch of backwoods hillbillies hooting and hollering at agents to further justify or even tack on to this crazy sentence.

GTFOH with that nonsense. If they had gotten a hold of some of the agents and made them squeak like little piggies while getting railed from behind, then they would have a point.
I haven't thought this through very much, but I have a notion that it's unjust to treat cops or other officials as civilians in these matters. If the gun man was holding you hostage with a gun, your trama seems relevant to my mind. But if it's a cop, the crime isn't causing trama, but resisting the law. It's still a crime, but the reasoning is different.
I haven't thought this through very much, but I have a notion that it's unjust to treat cops or other officials as civilians in these matters. If the gun man was holding you hostage with a gun, your trama seems relevant to my mind. But if it's a cop, the crime isn't causing trama, but resisting the law. It's still a crime, but the reasoning is different.

I agree. I expect police and federal agents to quite a bit more mentally tough than they are being portrayed by this judge. Being police officers and agents there is a real chance you are put into situations that are extremely high stress and mentally straining. They are trained to be able to handle those situations whereas your average civilians are not.
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This guy and his whole lot can suck it, but 68 years is stupid. 15-20 is plenty.

Have to agree with this. I don't support these guys what so ever. But people who commit manslaughter get less then that. People who rape get less then that.

How does a blind man aim a gun at anything? And I find it troubling that the feelings of the officers are being taken into account. They are government representatives. Their personal fears should not put people in jail.

It's not so much this but it seems like things are being overstated a bit. The judge is basically saying these officers got PTSD from having the guns pointed at them.

No shots where fired just some guns pointed.

Now don't get me wrong, you should never point your guns at federal officers. And this guy should be punished for that action.

But I keep thinking of the time my wife and I where in the car at a stop light and suddenly these cops in the lane to the left of us jump out of their car pull their sidearms and point them at the driver. We got the heck out of there the moment the light turned green.

But lets say for a second the cops surrounded the wrong car and got the wrong guy. Do you think the courts are gonna hand him money if he claims PTSD from the issue?? I sincerly doubt it. All he will get is an apology for the mix up.

Now these are federal officers who likely had body armor and guns of their own. And we're suppose to lock him up and throw away the key because of the PTSD??

And if federal officers who carried guns and had body armor are getting PTSD from merely having guns pointed at them. God help our soldiers who actually get shot at by automatic weapons.
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68 years seems extreme, but this was an act of terrorism on US soil.

Most definitions of terrorism include actual violence. I have a hard time envisioning non-violent terrorism.

Again no love for this guy and what he did. But terrorism seems a bit extreme. Again this guy carried out no actual violence.
Most definitions of terrorism include actual violence.

Again no love for this guy and what he did. But terrorism seems a bit extreme. Again this guy carried out no actual violence.
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    I mean, I guess you could argue there was no violence. It was implied though with the use of weapons. Besides that, it fits the definition perfectly.
  1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    I mean, I guess you could argue there was no violence. It was implied though with the use of weapons. Besides that, it fits the definition perfectly.

And the intimidation wasn't really against civilians either.
I'm surprised that I haven't seen this point made, but if the Bundy gang where people of color and did what they did, there wouldn't be any need for trials, there would only be funerals.

You mean like the siege of the Branch Davidians' compound in Waco Texas?
How many idiot people with guns have killed people they weren't exactly aiming at?

Outside of drive by's where there is an intent to kill but spraying bullets everywhere with little regard for human life? Probably not very many.
It's a long sentence, but they held off the feds from doing their jobs by pointing long guns at them. Regular BLM staff as well as LEOs. I have zero sympathy.

I don't have any sympathy either. But you don't need to have sympathy to realize and see that the punishment just doesn't fit the crime.
I don't have any sympathy either. But you don't need to have sympathy to realize and see that the punishment just doesn't fit the crime.
Sorry, I'll save my indignation over the failures of sentencing guidelines for people serving life sentences for selling some weed, etc. Not this jackass who decided to drive across the country to take up arms against the govt.
Sorry, I'll save my indignation over the failures of sentencing guidelines for people serving life sentences for selling some weed, etc. Not this jackass who decided to drive across the country to take up arms against the govt.

They went camping.

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