Past Hawkeye Forum


Team MVP
Nov 28, 2021
I know the mods are basically absent nowadays, but why don’t we start a former Hawkeyes forum. Then we don’t have to have a bunch of threads clogging up this board. Also could have multiple Keegan, Kris, or Garza threads and not one stupid 40-page thread called what’s Keegan up to.
I know the mods are basically absent nowadays, but why don’t we start a former Hawkeyes forum. Then we don’t have to have a bunch of threads clogging up this board. Also could have multiple Keegan, Kris, or Garza threads and not one stupid 40-page thread called what’s Keegan up to.

Absolutely…took me almost three hours today to sort through the seven threads that had posts in it today….please stop the madness…it’s just to much content