Pastor Calls On Pastors To Anoint Their Right Ears With Blood In Tribute To Trump


HB Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
Hopefully they wont' be pouring Pepsi on their ears.

Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch:

Clad in a “colonial preachers robe” meant to the emulate the apocryphal “Black Robe Regiment” that supposedly rallied the colonists to rebel against England during the American revolution, Hibbs said he only breaks out the garb in “times of tyranny.”
We are in just such a time right now, said Hibbs, prompting him to deliver a rather strange sermon in which he called for pastors to keep a “sacrificial basin of blood” on the pulpit from which they will anoint their own toe and right ear, in reference to the injury Trump received from the shooting.
“Mr. President, if you’re watching this right now, your right ear was bloodied,” Hibbs declared. “We would like to pledge and pray that you might bow your knee before the Lord Almighty and say, ‘Not only did God do this’—because I know, Mr. President, you said that today that ‘God protected me’—but who is God? Mr. President, who is he? What’s his name? You’ve heard it for years. It’s time to bow the knee.”
Read the full article.

Earlier this year House Speaker Mike Johnson invited Hibbs to deliver the opening invocation in the US House, resulting in a furious letter from dozens of Democrats due to Hibbs’ history of virulently anti-semitic and anti-LGBTQ statements and his declared support for Christian nationalism. Hibbs responded to the uproar by labeling his critics as “literal cancers” like Hitler and Marx.
This is one of the reasons I converted to catholicism. while all religions, including (and maybe especially) catholicism, have rituals that are objectively silly, the best rituals are generally there to remind us of some broader religious principle that actually does matter. And, at least we tend to think for a couple of hundred years before rolling out new ones, rather than just doing so over the weekend. ;)
This guy comes off as crazier than a shithouse rat. How crazy does that make the people that believe him then? I think he's actually not nearly as crazy as he appears, he's in it for the money and the fame IMO. Mission accomplished.
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This guy comes off as crazier than a shithouse rat. How crazy does that make the people that believe him then? I think he's actually not nearly as crazy as he appears, he's in it for the money and the fame IMO. Mission accomplished.
And, Earlier this year House Speaker Mike Johnson invited Hibbs to deliver the opening invocation in the US House, resulting in a furious letter from dozens of Democrats due to Hibbs’ history of virulently anti-semitic and anti-LGBTQ statements and his declared support for Christian nationalism. Hibbs responded to the uproar by labeling his critics as “literal cancers” like Hitler and Marx.
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