Pat Robertson = God's Prophet - Gays Responsible for Climate Change and Disasters

Nov 28, 2010
Credit where credit is due:

In 1998, incensed over a “Gay Days” event sponsored by Disney World, TV evangelist and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network Pat Robertson claimed that God would be sending earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados in retribution.

Since then there have been plenty of earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. Clearly Pat was right. I mean, that's proof, right?

And he isn't alone in his grasp of the divine agenda. More recently...

...White House correspondent Bill Koenig of the conservative World Watch Daily ... recently connected [California droughts] to the move to assure equality rights for LGBT people. Talking to hosts Jan Markell and Eric Barger on the evangelical radio show Understanding the Times, which pushes the idea that all the conflicts and controversies in the world are part of God’s plan for what they see as the Biblical “end times,” Koenig claimed that gay rights in the U.S. are angering God so much he created the drought in California.
“We’ve got a state that, over and over again, will go against the word of God, that will continually take positions on marriage and abortion and on a lot of things that are just completely opposed to the Scriptures,” said Koenig. “Unfortunately, a lot of times when it starts in California, it spreads to the rest of the country and even spreads to the rest of the world. So there very likely could be a drought component to this judgment.”

Hurricane Katrina, which flooded New Orleans in 2005, was also blamed on gay wickedness by evangelicals such as Repent America’s Michael Marcavage, who said “This act of God destroyed a wicked city. May it never be the same.” He failed to explain why the most heavily gay neighborhoods in New Orleans were largely unscathed by the flooding.

More recently, Faith2Action’s Janet Folger Porter, who normally focuses her ire on abortion, has said on several occasions that gay marriage was behind Noah’s flood and that if the Supreme Court strikes down bans on gay marriage, it could lead to the Second Coming of Christ and the end times. And last year in the UK, Sidney Cordell of the Christian People’s Alliance appeared on the BBC’s Daily Politics program where he said that flooding in the UK was likely a result of marriage equality there, a claim also made by David Silvester of the UK’s right-wing Independence Party.

“I think all Christians believe that God does, and can do, things with nature,” he said. “A lot of Christians believe God is angry over gay marriage and God can show that anger.”

It’s easy to dismiss these as fringe voices. But many members of Congress subscribe to these beliefs, leading to the promotion of public policies that both attack gay rights and suggest that no course of action can be effective against climate change because God is causing it, not us.

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Why are gays the evil to these people? I could, in theory, understand that they think it is icky, immoral, and even as coming from the devil....but that could be said about a lot of things. Used to be premarital sex, what happened to that?
I always knew ghey sex would lead to places we didn't want to go...... heating up the environment and ish.
More friction from butt love makes more heat. Totally understandable. Also gays use more cologne and body sprays. Ozone hole over San Fran.
Interesting how many "straight" guys are suddenly coming out of the closet in this thread - revealing intimate knowledge of gay sex practices. No wonder we're seeing all these tornadoes, earthquakes and droughts.

You know, we might be able to put the Robertson Hypothesis to a scientific test. If gays in tornado alley will just refrain from sex whenever there are conditions favorable to tornadoes, tornadoes should be prevented or reduced. We would need to run multiple trials with straights refraining from sex in some trials and nobody refraining in control trials.
i recently watched the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings- was not very impressed but given that it was a Ridley Scott film, some of the effects were pretty cool. I often think about how stupid that whole story in the bible is; how Moses was in touch with God (played by an 8 yr old kid in the movie) and wreaked havoc on the Egyptians. i was particularly interested in the night time fatal disease that crept over Memphis and killed all the first born of the Egyptians while the Jewish kids were spared if they had lambs blood smeared on theri hut.

BTW - It also reminded me of a funny movie- Wholly Moses with Dudley Moore and Richard Pryor. Great spoof.

Does Pat Robertson claim that he is the one in touch with god and he if all this gay coupling and marrying etc stops that the violent weather will cease? Great theatre if that were to be the case.
God seems more upset with the conservatives in Texas and Oklahoma recently. Talk about reaping the whirlwind...
I knew my lovin was hot, but damn! Now I feel powerful. I have been to that Gay Days event, it was pretty hot too. I'm hoping Southern Decadence beats it.
Christians can't win even when they acknowledge climate change is happening some liberals scoff at them for their beliefs.
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As Pat Robertson sweats his way through his 85th year
on this earth, he is a TV Evangelist and Huckster. There
is nothing theological astute about his mumblings. He
knows how to make money and that is his forte.

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