People on message boards always say stuff like “Despite our differences, I’d gladly have a beer with any of you!”

In a similar vein...I have remarked to various people that I remember a day where I had no idea of the political leanings of almost everyone I knew...nor did I care if their views were different than mine. I have fond memories of "active" conversations with diehard liberals back in the day and they were a source of entertainment and amusement...for both sides. There were no hard feelings, etc, at the end of the conversation...not that I can recall anyway.

Nowadays..."delete your account", "unfriend me", you are a dirty dog, etc, etc, etc. were just things that were never said. I feel like the folks that benefit from dividing and distracting the hoi polloi have fostered this divisiveness...and...a lot of people have taken the bait and run with it. (Career politicians that get rich(er) while in office are who I think are behind a lot of the divisiveness.)

I am not a drinker, but if I was, I would be comfortable talking with almost anyone here. But...I would definitely keep a closer eye on a couple of them. :)
I think I could go to about the Doobi, Whiskey level. There is some that don't even have a redeeming value to have a beer with.
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My top 5:

Torbs: Good dude, he and I are at ends right now with politics but I think a good session would bring us back to both remembering we are just 2 dudes.

( order: 6 pack of Swarm and a pre roll of Jack Harrer)

Clarinda: like minded, talk hunting.

( Order: Whiskey, 2 rocks)

Chis: entertainment value.

(Order: Beer, keep the RPMs low)

I'll put Storm/Traveler/Aardvark/ Jimmy on this line, super intelligent people that have a significantly different world view than mine.

(Order: whiskey, maybe red wine if the setting fits)

Rockymountain: another person, probably similar to Torbs, just getting on the same page) seems like a good person.

( whiskey)
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