Pizza Hut’s newest creation is a pizza with a 28-hot dog crust


HB King
May 29, 2001

Just look at this thing. (Pizza Hut)

Take a moment to let this concept work its way through your mind.

Imagine a pizza, cooked up just like any other pizza, except with one very notable difference: It has 28 mini-hot dogs baked right into the crust. It’s basically a pizza surrounded by a halo of hot dogs.

Pizza Hut will begin offering the Hot Dog Bites Pizza with a side of French’s mustard starting June 18, according to a company statement. The chain already sold a variation of a hot dog crust pizza overseas, which featured fewer hot dogs.

Some may lament this as a monstrosity that signals the downfall of Western civilization — which, sure, you’re entitled to your opinion! But not me. As an avid proponent of creative ways to consume pizza, I welcome any and all pizza innovations. Plus, this could be a good way to avoid that all-too-common dilemma: pizza or hot dogs?

Late last year, Pizza Hut announced the introduction of 10 new crust flavors — including Honey Sriracha, Salted Pretzel, Ginger Boom Boom and Get Curried Away — as part of its effort to revamp following sagging sales.

They didn’t bother mentioning a hot-dog-ringed pizza.
Awesome! Finally Pizza figured out that you can fix crappy pizza by adding crappy hotdogs!
Pizza Hut has officially jumped the shark.

Like 20 years ago. To me, it stopped being about good pizza in the 90's.

I have never understood the concept of adding things like this to a menu. To me, it's proof your regular pizza sucks.

Just look at this thing. (Pizza Hut)

Take a moment to let this concept work its way through your mind.

Imagine a pizza, cooked up just like any other pizza, except with one very notable difference: It has 28 mini-hot dogs baked right into the crust. It’s basically a pizza surrounded by a halo of hot dogs.

Pizza Hut will begin offering the Hot Dog Bites Pizza with a side of French’s mustard starting June 18, according to a company statement. The chain already sold a variation of a hot dog crust pizza overseas, which featured fewer hot dogs.

Some may lament this as a monstrosity that signals the downfall of Western civilization — which, sure, you’re entitled to your opinion! But not me. As an avid proponent of creative ways to consume pizza, I welcome any and all pizza innovations. Plus, this could be a good way to avoid that all-too-common dilemma: pizza or hot dogs?

Late last year, Pizza Hut announced the introduction of 10 new crust flavors — including Honey Sriracha, Salted Pretzel, Ginger Boom Boom and Get Curried Away — as part of its effort to revamp following sagging sales.

They didn’t bother mentioning a hot-dog-ringed pizza.

The "Great Unrealized" Good Pizza

Over thirty-five years ago as a kid working at a Happy Joes....early in the chain's life..."we" the owner's of that particular franchise and I, tested what I was told was being considered as a new item for the Happy Joe's menus. A Chili Pizza.

Pizza skin
spread CHILI sauce..yeah, chili.
hamburger spiced with chili powder
diced tomatoes
after it comes out of the oven slice and toss on some oyster crackers.

I thought it was very tasty! But it never made the menu.

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