Play calling yesterday

Hawk and Awe

HB Heisman
Sep 15, 2012
Curious what folks thought of the offense yesterday? Outside of running on 2nd down at the end of the 1st half I thought GD called a great game (especially 2nd half). Maybe the guy just needs a mobile QB - which is completely riddiculous for a college O-coordinator.

It would've been a good game to attend, because it seemed like CJB was constantly looking downfield and just wouldn't pull the trigger leading to sacks or scrambles. We're they running deep routes and just couldnt get separation?
I thought the play calling was a good mix. It would have looked better had our receivers actually gotten open and/or ran the right routes(T Smith ran at least 3 wrong patterns). But in the end they scooped up or caught the balls that mattered.

That and CJ can flat out play. The throwing on the run is pure talent. That TD play to McCarron was amazing; across the body, on the run, right on the money. Another to Vande. Several great runs; saving the safety, and gaining about 100 yards on two other Plays. Those were outstanding plays. Ones that only a special player can make.

Over the KF years I have always complained about our backup not getting reps. But It may not matter if we can find time for a backup QB to play(not that Kirk would actually play them), because without CJ, we are not winning a game like yesterday...
I thought the play calling was fine. Not all plays are going to work, but enough of them did thanks to a great day by CJ and Canzeri.

It seemed like there were several runs where there was a nice hole at the point of attack, but the RB was tackled by the outside pursuit before he got there. We are either slow getting to the hole or ISU has fast DE's. We need to clean that up.
I thought the play calling was fine. Not all plays are going to work, but enough of them did thanks to a great day by CJ and Canzeri.

It seemed like there were several runs where there was a nice hole at the point of attack, but the RB was tackled by the outside pursuit before he got there. We are either slow getting to the hole or ISU has fast DE's. We need to clean that up.

Agree as I thought both backs ran well but missed some cutback opportunities... But that is being nit-picky. CJ was great and that was an outstanding team effort in all 3 phases. Even our punter delivered!
I liked the generally more aggressive approach -- hard to complain about that. Play-calling always looks better when you're executing your bread and butter. The O-line deserves a ton of credit for getting a great push in the second half. ISU was stacking the box all day, as usual against the Hawks, and they pretty much shut us down in the first half. I think the O-line really wore them down in the second and got a great push. Canzeri was going about 5 yards untouched consistently. Makes it much easier to call plays when you can run it up the gut for 5-7 yards on first down.

It's easy to say in hindsight, but I would have liked more deception. ISU always seems to over pursue against the Hawks, counting on Iowa being predictable. I think they keyed on Parker as soon as he came in. Maybe a fake on the jet sweep opens something else up. I'd also like to see more screens and draws against ISU, as they're always eager to get upfield and into the Iowa backfield.

Overall, there's little doubt that Kirk and Coach Davis are taking a more attacking approach this year, and it's paying off. Good job by them!
I thought the play calling was great overall. Multiple times the D crashed the LOS only to see CJB roll out the opposite way and throw a strike. Not a GD fan but he had a finger on the pulse of the game yesterday.
I thought the play calling was great overall. Multiple times the D crashed the LOS only to see CJB roll out the opposite way and throw a strike. Not a GD fan but he had a finger on the pulse of the game yesterday.

Agree... The bootleg roll out pass/run waggle is back! I have missed this old KF/KOK staple play so much the last 2-3 years. It's the perfect counter to the outside stretch play. Maybe it's back now that we have a QB with the athleticism to run it?
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The oline, imo, was really solid. Also, Iowa has 2 terrific fullbacks.

There's been plenty of Iowa state games where their dline dominates.
Play calling was mediocre. Some good ones, some poor ones, many OK ones. The point of offense, like pitching in baseball, is to keep the opponent off balance. Throw a change in a fastball situation. Pass when it's a running situation. Run when it's a passing situation. You're much more likely to be successful with execution if you do the opposite of the expected.

Too many times against ISU Iowa was predictable. And in the first half, way too many drop-back pass attempts that played into the hands of the ISU rush. When you have a QB like Beathard, drop-backs should be limited and rollouts off play action should be the go-to call.

So while there were some specific instances of brilliant play calling--like that last rollout TD to McCarron--but still way too many predictable ones, especially at the end of the half.

So there are positive signs, but there is plenty of room for improvement in the play calling. As a great coach used to say, "Scratch where it itches." And don't forget about the TEs.
"The point of offense, like pitching in baseball, is to keep the opponent offbalance."

As per usual you are deeply confused. The POINT OF OFFENSE is to SCORE.

Also, pitching in baseball is DEFENSE.

For a long time I have read your commentary and shook my head. But, finally, I have had enough of your relentlessly negative and obtuse stuff.
QB Draws were obviously monstrous

T Smith needs ball more
As do the Tight Ends, whomever the healthy Tight End is. We have 2 receptions to Tight Ends in 2 games I believe (only 1 when CJ is playing). That HAS to get better, regardless of 2-0 or not, the competition will stiffen here in a bit, and when Iowa's Tight Ends are heavily involved in the Offense, history says good things happen.

That said, IF VandeBerg (is it really spelled with a capital B ?) continues to catch everything thrown his way, regardless of his yards after the catch acumen, pretty hard to argue with the strategy to get him the ball. If nothing else he was a chain mover, and that's a pretty darn valuable asset.
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The end of the first half disgusted me as much as it did everybody else but I almost wonder if that seemed a calculated move on the part of Kirk and Greg Davis. They ran the two predictable dive plays and then took a chance on the fake field goal perhaps thinking that the offensive line would wear them down in the second half like they did. The overall play calling does seem a bit more aggressive even with some of the predictability like running Parker on the jet sweep.
The end of the first half disgusted me as much as it did everybody else but I almost wonder if that seemed a calculated move on the part of Kirk and Greg Davis. They ran the two predictable dive plays and then took a chance on the fake field goal perhaps thinking that the offensive line would wear them down in the second half like they did. The overall play calling does seem a bit more aggressive even with some of the predictability like running Parker on the jet sweep.
I don't think I'd try to disguise anything the Coaches did on that infamous fake kick, or try to spin some logic and common sense into it. It was one of the worst decisions in the History of College Football, and should be looked at no other way. It's just making excuses for a really stupid decision. They own it, and Iowa played a great 2nd half and won the game.

Fortunately for Kirk we didn't lose by 2. He would have been on the cover of every sports page in the country, even those who couldn't care less about Iowa versus Iowa State. His players bailed him out, and THEY did Coach better as the game went along, so there is that.
The end of the first half disgusted me as much as it did everybody else but I almost wonder if that seemed a calculated move on the part of Kirk and Greg Davis. They ran the two predictable dive plays and then took a chance on the fake field goal perhaps thinking that the offensive line would wear them down in the second half like they did. The overall play calling does seem a bit more aggressive even with some of the predictability like running Parker on the jet sweep.

I don't think I'd try to disguise anything the Coaches did on that infamous fake kick, or try to spin some logic and common sense into it. It was one of the worst decisions in the History of College Football, and should be looked at no other way. It's just making excuses for a really stupid decision. They own it, and Iowa played a great 2nd half and won the game.

Fortunately for Kirk we didn't lose by 2. He would have been on the cover of every sports page in the country, even those who couldn't care less about Iowa versus Iowa State. His players bailed him out, and THEY did Coach better as the game went along, so there is that.

I anticipated some negative responses to what I wrote and simply posted a thought I had whether valid or not which we really don't have an answer to. I thought the coaches made some great adjustments and had a good second half which accounts for why I became less upset about the fake field goal.
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Speaking of TE's, Outsy saw quite a bit of action yesterday in the clutch. As a RS Frosh and first season at the position, the coaches must see a lot of potential in him.
RBs missed some holes which would have helped make the play calls look a little better, especially Parker. OVerall a good mix of running plays though

Hopefully we can get some more TE production until Duzey returns. That would really open up things a little more.
Parker made wonderful halftime adjustments and CJ/Vandeberg bailed Ferentz out big time. Every time when you think we can't have worse game coaching we get to witness a 2 minute drill with Ferentz. Brutal and lets give an assist to Richardson totally choking the 4th quarter.
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Parker made wonderful halftime adjustments and CJ/Vandeberg bailed Ferentz out big time. Every time when you think we can't have worse game coaching we get to witness a 2 minute drill with Ferentz. Brutal and lets give an assist to Richardson totally choking the 4th quarter.
It's killing you that Iowa is 2-0 isn't it? You want Kirk out and so far not good for you. Please tell me about Davis wanting Beathard at QB last year over jake. I see you are continuing that bs and still haven't offered proof. You have no clue how far you are off on that. Oh, and please also tell me about CJ's / the Beathards ultimatum to Kirk. You've got to have proof / a source, correct?
It's killing you that Iowa is 2-0 isn't it? You want Kirk out and so far not good for you. Please tell me about Davis wanting Beathard at QB last year over jake. I see you are continuing that bs and still haven't offered proof. You have no clue how far you are off on that. Oh, and please also tell me about CJ's / the Beathards ultimatum to Kirk. You've got to have proof / a source, correct?
I already said we would win at least 9 games this year. Looks like I am on pace for being right like I am about most everything else. Ferentz wanted Jake and you can't handle the fact that he is clueless. CJ was leaving just like Willies but he got better advice from his family to wait the season out. Willies didn't get good advice but make no mistake both guys were leaving. CJ is possibly going to save Ferentz career which is ironic since Kirk didn't want him to be the guy.
I already said we would win at least 9 games this year. Looks like I am on pace for being right like I am about most everything else. Ferentz wanted Jake and you can't handle the fact that he is clueless. CJ was leaving just like Willies but he got better advice from his family to wait the season out. Willies didn't get good advice but make no mistake both guys were leaving. CJ is possibly going to save Ferentz career which is ironic since Kirk didn't want him to be the guy.
So you know CJ's was leaving, correct? It's simple just tell me how you know. Please also tell me about Davis demanding CJ last season. Still waiting for your proof. I'll share my sources if you share yours and I'll even introduce you to them at our tailgate. It would be entertaining.
If people spent more time watching football and less complaining about their own team they would see bad coaching decisions happen in every game by every coach. I just watched Pete Carroll up 7 with 2:03 in the game call a time out when the Rams were letting the clock run down to the 2 minute warning. He just gave the Rams a free play. I only bring this up because someone in another thread asked me for specific examples of bad coaching.

No I don't love KF, no I don't sniff his jock. I think he is an average coach. Have to keep repeating that as people seem to think I am related to him or something. :)
Couldn't watch the game so I listened to the radio broadcast, and Ed was getting pretty agitated at some of the calls. isu's DT blew up a play that they had obviously picked up a key on film from our formation, pointed out how we always run the stretch play after a big gain and it got stuffed repeatedly, Jonathan Parker in the game for 1 play and running the sweep being way too obvious. Could hear some real disgust with one of the calls to Canzeri on 3rd & short in the 1st half.

So IMO, the play-calling did some good things, but definitely has some stuff to clean up.
Play calling is a lot easier when you can successfully run the ball. Let's hope we can keep having success on the ground.
Jonathan Parker in the game for 1 play and running the sweep being way too obvious. Could hear some real disgust with one of the calls to Canzeri on 3rd & short in the 1st half.

The sweep was there for a gain if Parker would have turned it up just outside the box. If you recorded the game, play it back and you can see that Parker tried to run to the outside of his TE blocker who was moving the ISU guy toward the sideline. ISU may have known that play was coming but the play was set up for a big gain, there was a lane that opened up there a mile wide that Parker did not see.

re: Canzeri on 3rd and short. How is that a bad call? The OL was run blocking well and Canzeri was making solid runs yesterday. You didn't indicate down and distance but that is a legit call for anything under 3 yards.
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The sweep was there for a gain if Parker would have turned it up just outside the box. If you recorded the game, play it back and you can see that Parker tried to run to the outside of his TE blocker who was moving the ISU guy toward the sideline. ISU may have known that play was coming but the play was set up for a big gain, there was a lane that opened up there a mile wide that Parker did not see.

re: Canzeri on 3rd and short. How is that a bad call? The OL was run blocking well and Canzeri was making solid runs yesterday. You didn't indicate down and distance but that is a legit call for anything under 3 yards.

If we would have passed and it didn't work they would be here bitching that we were pounding it down their throats, why pass. I say that because in the first quarter the game thread they were saying that very thing.

Got to have something to bitch about though.
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Parker made wonderful halftime adjustments and CJ/Vandeberg bailed Ferentz out big time. Every time when you think we can't have worse game coaching we get to witness a 2 minute drill with Ferentz. Brutal and lets give an assist to Richardson totally choking the 4th quarter.

I thought it odd that we would run a fake FG kicker sweep needing over 20 yards AND with no time on clock, but were unwilling to take a few shots into the endzone on 2nd or 3rd down. Bow and Arrow, Very weird.
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re: Canzeri on 3rd and short. How is that a bad call? The OL was run blocking well and Canzeri was making solid runs yesterday. You didn't indicate down and distance but that is a legit call for anything under 3 yards.

Keep in mind I was listening to Gary Dolphin, I only have a few vague details about the down & distance to begin with. I was merely relaying some of Ed's thoughts on the calls. On that short run to Canzeri he said he didn't understand the thinking & that play is "never going to be there". I am assuming he means running straight into a run blitz.
Ed drinks a lot. I don't see how the you can listen to either one of them.

We ran the ball right down their throats for the majority of the first half. Saying that play will never be there is a reminder of why I don't listen to Ed. Any play call is a reminder of why I don't listed to Gary.

Was Iowa St showing run blitz from the get go.
Except the QB draw that CJ ran for like 40 yards, right?

I was referring to draws to the RB. Figured that was pretty obvious. I think the rest of the Iowa fans out there who didn't make a smart ass reply in this thread realized what I was saying.
After CJ's QB draw what was the pass to Canzeri. Cant remember if that was a set screen or just CJ in trouble and dumping it off. Cant seem to find the replay anywhere. Fox sports Go or BTN2go
I don't think I'd try to disguise anything the Coaches did on that infamous fake kick, or try to spin some logic and common sense into it. It was one of the worst decisions in the History of College Football, and should be looked at no other way. It's just making excuses for a really stupid decision. They own it, and Iowa played a great 2nd half and won the game.

Fortunately for Kirk we didn't lose by 2. He would have been on the cover of every sports page in the country, even those who couldn't care less about Iowa versus Iowa State. His players bailed him out, and THEY did Coach better as the game went along, so there is that.

Holy f*ng hyperbole.

Guarantee you (if you watched) were screaming with excitement at that play.