Please...Please...Please make this happen Lord.


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Rep. Gohmert weighing presidential bid


Conservative firebrand Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) told The Hill that he might run for president in 2016.
indicated he might launch an exploratory committee for president when
originally asked if he would support Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) White
House bid.
"Ted is a good friend and would be an outstanding
President; however, I haven't ruled out an exploratory committee
myself," Gohmert said in a statement to The Hill.Gohmert
launched long-shot bids for Speaker in January and for chairman of the
Republican Study Committee, a group of House conservatives.
But the
Texas Republican accrued just three votes during the Speaker election -
from himself as well as Reps. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) and Randy Weber
Gohmert is a frequent guest on Fox News and is known
around the Capitol for his lengthy, extemporaneous speeches to a usually
empty House chamber on weekly basis. He logged the most speaking time on the House floor last year out of any other lawmaker: a whopping 29 hours.
Gohmert's 29 hours of floor time last year far outstripped the runner-up, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who spoke just 10 hours.
topics of Gohmert's floor speeches vary, though they frequently touch
upon Middle East foreign policy, President Obama's Justice Department,
and illegal immigration. He occasionally employs unusual visuals, such as posters depicting crucifixions while discussing persecutions of Christians.
Gohmert grabbed headlines during a hearing on Wednesday when he upbraided FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler for the agency's controversial net-neutrality rules.
the FCC stepped in, everybody was able to explore new business models,"
Gohmert yelled. "The only business is now you're playing God with the
Internet, while saying "I'll leave some room for you to come up with new
business models.' That's not your job!"
Gohmert has frequently
clashed with Attorney General Eric Holder over the last several years,
including a memorable 2013 House Judiciary Committee hearing when he
said the Justice Department hadn't done enough to stop the Boston
Marathon bombing. Gohmert's response to Holder's pushback was, "The
attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus."
his election to the House in 2004, Gohmert, 61, served as a Texas
district court judge and as the chief justice on the Texas court of

This post was edited on 3/26 6:49 PM by THE_DEVIL
Is there any way we could get Gomer, Perry and Cruz on the same ticket? I bet Texas would still talk about secession.

This post was edited on 3/26 8:05 PM by naturalmwa
That's what's funny IMCC... A fkn piece of dog shit in my yard is better than any statist Bastards the left will trot out.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Crossing my fingers for this to happen.
He is crazy. He is why there should be term limits and a constitutional push to establish computer driven redistricting.
I've become so cynical that I don't think it makes much difference whom we elect. Nothing really changes. Cons talk a big deal but after election all they care about is lining their pockets.
We need a strong 3rd party but the dems and reps have fixed the rules to make that almost impossible. Most voters would need a brain transplant anyway in order to see what is really going on.
Maybe something like this could cause Jon Stewart to change his mind about leaving The Daily Show. Just think of all the material comedians will have with candidates like this.

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