POLITICO: Democrats are Panicking over Biden's Debate Performance. Democrat operative texted this: “Time for an open convention.”

What record does Newsom have to stand on with his performance in California? What policies has he implemented that have been good for business owners, deterring crime, and illegal immigration concerns? He is too liberal and far left. He has similar views of Biden that people are complaining about. He just says it more coherently.

He isn't running in a vacuum. His opponent is Trump. Any replacement is going to be younger and more energetic, their mind will still be functioning. They will look and sound youthful in comparison to a geriatric.
What record does Newsom have to stand on with his performance in California? What policies has he implemented that have been good for business owners, deterring crime, and illegal immigration concerns? He is too liberal and far left. He has similar views of Biden that people are complaining about. He just says it more coherently.
What record does Trump have to run for POTUS? Overthrowing the gov't? Being a felon? Etc? Trump was a disaster.
Agreed. Trump’s ability to sound confident while speaking gibberish appeals to those who are easily swayed. It's astonishing how a significant portion of the population falls for it. The fact that he attempted to undermine our democracy yet remains the leading candidate for the GOP is deeply troubling.

There's always a Seinfeld clip....

IIRC, the Biden camp wanted this June debate in order to stir things up, get undecided independents to come to their side, etc.

Boy, did they stir things up....

Really makes you wonder,.. If they missed this call so badly, what else are they about to screw up?,.. Joe isn't calling the shots.
Trump will beat Biden. The Democrats need to make a change yesterday

The Republicans have to be giddy if a Biden/Harris ticket is the actual opponent

Biden was embarrassing last night. It’s just not practical for a man his age with his current mental capacity to be our President. And it’s not good to have a shady, self serving lunatic as our other option. But Trump does seem much more “with it” than Biden.
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The saddest part is that if either party would put up even a halfway decent candidate, they'd run away with it. Imagine if Romney was running, or John Kerry. Instead, we have to decide between each party's worst nominee in a lifetime.
The party machines are broken.

Whoever loses, the losers have only themselves to blame. The white was there for the taking.
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What record does Newsom have to stand on with his performance in California? What policies has he implemented that have been good for business owners, deterring crime, and illegal immigration concerns? He is too liberal and far left. He has similar views of Biden that people are complaining about. He just says it more coherently.

Yeah, CA is a complete mess.
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Trump should easily be beaten.

* The incumbent always has the advantage

* Trump is a convicted felon, among other things

* All they need to do is show over & over the clip of Trump calling John McCain a loser for being captured

* Women can't like the fact that Roe v Wade got overturned because of Trump

* I could go on & on; there is so much that they can use to damage Trump
Yet none of it has worked for Dems. Trump still leading polls and now, after that train wreck last night...
He isn't running in a vacuum. His opponent is Trump. Any replacement is going to be younger and more energetic, their mind will still be functioning. They will look and sound youthful in comparison to a geriatric.
Trump could also figure out a way to make dorksum sound like a California valley girl
He was world stability last time around. why would he change?
There was nothing stabilizing about Trump in office. He’s nonchalant with his words which is the worst kind of communicator as POTUS. He’s volatile and is hard to predict which leads to instability. Why would that change?
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There was nothing stabilizing about Trump in office. He’s nonchalant with his words which is the worst kind of communicator as POTUS. He’s volatile and is hard to predict which leads to instability. Why would that change?

Trump stood up in a Press Conference beside Putin and said he trusted Putin's word over the CIA's word. There are so many cringe worthy moments during his 4 years.
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full text of tweet:

I’ve had a lot of conversations in the last 7 hours with congressional democrats. Their sense isn’t that this was a bad debate. It is much worse than that. In their view, Biden didn’t even clear the lowest bar. They may agree with him on policy. But Biden wasn’t even able to articulate what his policies are. For Democrats running down ballot, this is an incredibly serious problem.

Agreed. Trump’s ability to sound confident while speaking gibberish appeals to those who are easily swayed. It's astonishing how a significant portion of the population falls for it. The fact that he attempted to undermine our democracy yet remains the leading candidate for the GOP is deeply troubling.
Trump is a convicted felon and I watched him try to obstruct the normal flow of government abs interfere with the orderly transfer of power on 1/6/21…. And that act alone defines him (Trump) as a traitor. America will vote for a traitor…to become the leader of the free world?
Trump was Trump and didn't change anything last night (Why aren't we talking about the Putin/Ukraine comment more?)

For Biden, the Dem party really needs to get him, face-to-face, and ask him if he is ready to do this again and be very blunt about it. It would be very foolish to not have this discussion. If I was in Trump's camp, I wouldnt agree to do another debate as he got what he wanted out of it. Biden now down 20 more points to LSU, can he make up ground and look decent doing so? That needs to be talked about.
Dump said he could end that conflict before he actually took office. Why didn’t Biden or even the mods press him into explaining how he planned on doing that????? That pissed me off…

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