POLL: Best Recent Secretary of State?8

Nov 28, 2010
Watching a piece on Democracy Now about Hillary. Robert Scheer, a progressive critic, at some point compares Hillary as SecState with John Kerry. Here's part of what he said:

...if we're going to run ... somebody who has experience as secretary of state, I'd rather support John Kerry. After all, it's been a great relief to see Kerry as opposed to Hillary Clinton. We finally have some rational foreign policy and peacemaking with Iran, with Cuba. Where was Hillary Clinton? And let me say, one reason I could never vote for Hillary Clinton is ... her attack on Edward Snowden, her attack on the whistleblowers, to call them traitors, to talk about these people. And here is a woman who knew what the government was doing in spying on the American people. You know, she didn't tell us. She didn't trust the State Department with her email, but she never told us that the State Department, the CIA and the NSA were spying on the emails of all the Americans. No, but she thinks that's fine. She's just going to keep her email in her garage....

...we're not talking ancient history here. Hillary Clinton was in favor of a very belligerent attitude in Syria, which has led to the unleashing of ISIS. She's the one that said, "Oh, Assad is just the worst thing going," just like they said Saddam Hussein, just like they said Gaddafi. So you look at Libya now, you look at Iraq, you look at Syria, a terrible mess. And yet Hillary Clinton seems to have no compunction that their foundation that her daughter-you know, she says, "I want for every child what my granddaughter has." Well, your granddaughter has a father who works for Goldman Sachs and a daughter who now works for a foundation that gets an enormous amount of money from Saudi Arabia and other people who have actually been the backers of ISIS. What do you stand for? Where are you going to get your $2.5 billion to be president, if not kissing up to Wall Street, which you've been doing as senator?

So . . . getting back to the poll, who do you think was the best recent SecState?
So you're saying neo cons and economic conservatives both have reason to be giddy with whoever gets in the WH in 2016? I'd sure like some con to explain to me how the far left is in control of the D party.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

So you're saying neo cons and economic conservatives both have reason to be giddy with whoever gets in the WH in 2016?

I'd sure like some con to explain to me how the far left is in control of the D party.
Yes. Neocons and neolibs rejoice!

It's a religious belief. They take it on faith. The less evidence the better because it makes them even prouder that they are able to "know" "truths" that people who rely on science, evidence and logic fail to grasp.