POLL: Fossil Energy vs Nuclear Energy?

Should we meet our rising energy needs with fossil or nuclear energy? (see discussion)

  • I lean left. Nuclear energy.

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • I lean right. Nuclear energy.

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • I lean right. Fossil energy.

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • I lean left. Fossil energy.

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Nov 28, 2010
Even if we were to choose to invest dramatically into going green, the truth is we can't do that overnight and, while we gear up, our energy needs will continue to increase.

The choice in this poll is whether to meet our additional energy needs for the next decade or so through expanding the use of oil, gas and coal or through adding nuclear power plants. Assume the cleanest, safest versions of each technology are used. Also assume there are no significant differences in the time to bring additional energy supplies on line.

It's just a question of which energy source - each with its unique problems - you choose to use to fill the gap.

[I oppose both, but that's not the question. This is an either-or proposition. Note that this is a question of how to meet rising energy needs. Current energy production would stay on line until we can phase those operations out as a part of the long-term effort to wean ourselves off of non-green energy.]
If we go nuke, we can use all that enriched uranium we are getting from Iran. Win, win!
I think some major breakthroughs are coming in wind & solar. I would use fossil for another decade and see.

Is the allure of fusion still around or is that dead?

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