It's really disgusting seeing one US President after another being outed as a whore for the MIC. Killing untold millions of innocent people to improve some rich assh*le's bottom line.
It's such a scam and a racket. And, it wouldn't be so bad if the cost weren't so high in human life! We're not selling super-beta-prostate supplements here, that just take peoples' money. This crap kills people, byt he hundreds of thousands.
Watch American Sniper... or any Vietnam film and realize; You WILL NOT defeat an indigenous people. Short of nuking the place, you can forget it. That is their HOME. They will fight, and become as savage as necessary, to defend their HOME! If another country's military attacked us here in the way the US Military attacks people that have not harmed them, we'd fight to the last person and use the most clandestine, insidious methods our brains could conjure-up. The hate, the lack of civility, the poverty, the mass death, would affect us for generations.