No article, but why not?
Plenty of possible topics...
The violent religious conflicts in the world today
Teaching religion, evolution, creationism, school prayer
Could an atheist ever be elected?
Religious "freedom" to discriminate for personal religious reasons in the public or commercial spheres
Religion and abortion, birth control, stem cell research, cloning....
Pope Frank's encyclical on climate change
Why are 2/3 of Supreme Court Justices Catholic?
Religious ties to political parties and vice versa
Religion and taxes
The role (if any) of religion in government
Federal funding for faith-based organizations and initiatives
Should America be identified as a Christian nation?
Plenty of possible topics...
The violent religious conflicts in the world today
Teaching religion, evolution, creationism, school prayer
Could an atheist ever be elected?
Religious "freedom" to discriminate for personal religious reasons in the public or commercial spheres
Religion and abortion, birth control, stem cell research, cloning....
Pope Frank's encyclical on climate change
Why are 2/3 of Supreme Court Justices Catholic?
Religious ties to political parties and vice versa
Religion and taxes
The role (if any) of religion in government
Federal funding for faith-based organizations and initiatives
Should America be identified as a Christian nation?