Poll Watch: Ben Carson Edges Ahead Nationally in Times/CBS News Poll


HB King
May 29, 2001
Ben Carson has taken a narrow lead nationally in the Republican presidential campaign, dislodging Donald J. Trump from the top spot for the first time in months, according to a New York Times/CBS News survey released on Tuesday.

Mr. Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, is the choice of 26 percent of Republican primary voters, the poll found, while Mr. Trump now wins support from 22 percent, although the difference lies within the margin of sampling error.

The survey is the first time that Mr. Trump has not led all candidates since The Times and CBS News began measuring presidential preferences at the end of July.

No other candidate comes close to Mr. Carson and Mr. Trump. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida received 8 percent while former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive, are each the choice of 7 percent of Republican primary voters.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas and Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio each received support from 4 percent of those surveyed.

The poll represents a single waypoint in a long nominating process that has already seen considerable volatility. The third Republican debate is on Wednesday, which could further scramble the unsettled field. Such early polls have proven unreliable predictors of the eventual winner, and the first nominating contest, the Iowa caucus, is still more than three months away.

Indeed, the new survey shows that the vast majority of Republicans have not firmly made up their minds: Seven in 10 of those who expressed support for a candidate said it was too early to say for sure who they would support. Just 28 percent indicated that their minds were made up.

More than half of the Republican primary voters surveyed said they were now paying “a lot” of attention to the campaign, essentially unchanged from a CBS News survey in early October.

Over the same period, Mr. Carson has gained five percentage points, while Mr. Trump has fallen by five percentage points.

The new poll found that Mr. Trump’s supporters are firmer in their support than Mr. Carson’s. A majority of Trump supporters, 55 percent, said their minds were made up. But 80 percent of Carson backers said it was too early to say for sure that they would eventually support him.

The nationwide telephone poll was conducted Oct. 21-25 on cellphones and landlines with 575 Republican primary voters. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus six percentage points for each candidate. Additional findings from the full poll will be published Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.
Time for the over politicized liberals to fire up their character assassination engine for one Mr Carson...oh wait they started that early last week.

Effing racists.
It will be interesting to see how his rivals attack Carson. He really hasn't said anything of substance since the debates started and hasn't taken too many tough questions from the media quite yet.
It will be hard to attack his character because he doesn't come off as bombastic. I think we're all amazed by his apparent popularity, at least I am.
Specifically... I wonder how Trump reacts?
I guess Carson will be under the microscope more. And you know the hatchet brigade from the other GOP contenders are working overtime on that, as we speak.
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From the National polls I have seen Carson fares very well against Hillary 1 on 1. I'm a little surprised by that.

I was hoping Rubio woukd fare better in that match up.
Doesn't matter he has a minority circle of protection surrounding him that you MUST respect. If you don't then you are a racist.
I have rainbow shields that protect me.
Doesn't matter he has a minority circle of protection surrounding him that you MUST respect. If you don't then you are a racist.
unless his name was/is herman cain, then you must bring him down. actually, in a liberal world: ben brought himself down by saying he's pro-god and pro-life
From the National polls I have seen Carson fares very well against Hillary 1 on 1. I'm a little surprised by that.

I was hoping Rubio woukd fare better in that match up.
Rubio stands zero chance at all, I like him but he's done, I doubt he's a natural born citizen
Can you imagine how many States south of the MasonDixon Carson might carry? Those red State voters might not ever leave the trailer courts on election day.
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It will be interesting to see how his rivals attack Carson. He really hasn't said anything of substance since the debates started and hasn't taken too many tough questions from the media quite yet.
It will be hard to attack his character because he doesn't come off as bombastic. I think we're all amazed by his apparent popularity, at least I am.
Specifically... I wonder how Trump reacts?
I guess Carson will be under the microscope more. And you know the hatchet brigade from the other GOP contenders are working overtime on that, as we speak.

No need to attack Carson's character. Actually, that would probably do more harm than good. From what I can tell, Carson seems to be a pretty upstanding guy. He seems to believe what he says and I doubt he has a couple of side chicks hiding in the closet.

The problem for Carson is when he opens his mouth nothing but crazy comes out. He'll play well with the far right 20%, but that's not enough to get him elected. He'll scare the bejesus out of independents.
I have never heard a more sane, calm man than Ben. He's in complete control, very cool. He's very rational, and yet liberals call that "crazy". See why we don't want you libs using background checks and determining "crazy" when it comes to whom you decide gets to be a weapon holder?
I have never heard a more sane, calm man than Ben. He's in complete control, very cool. He's very rational, and yet liberals call that "crazy". See why we don't want you libs using background checks and determining "crazy" when it comes to whom you decide gets to be a weapon holder?
Thinking that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to be President, that being gay is a choice, and that the victims of the Oregon shooting were cowards is not being in complete control.
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Thinking that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to be President, that being gay is a choice, and that the victims of the Oregon shooting were cowards is not being in complete control.
I don't disagree. That said these words deserve more thought. Gay "can" be a choice. Some Muslims should not be President. (I would not vote for one "today".) As for Oregon, in some situations death might be far less likely if you fight than accept the consequences. I did not hear the context of his statement. FOR SURE WE ALL NEED TO KNOW THE CONTEXT OF STATEMENTS. These voice clip statements hurt us all. Carson is an intelligent man. He is thoughtful and compassionate. He wants to destroy the race card which would be good for all.
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I don't disagree. That said these words deserve more thought. Gay "can" be a choice. Some Muslims should not be President. (I would not vote for one "today".) As for Oregon, in some situations death might be far less likely if you fight than accept the consequences. I did not hear the context of his statement. FOR SURE WE ALL NEED TO KNOW THE CONTEXT OF STATEMENTS. These voice clip statements hurt us all. Carson is an intelligent man. He is thoughtful and compassionate. He wants to destroy the race card which would be good for all.
He also has zero experience. He knows next to nothing about foreign policy, has no relationship with foreign leaders, and has no experience in economics. He may be a stellar surgeon, but the job isn't for surgery. It's for leading the free world. And in this respect, his resume shows little to nothing in regards of having any experience at all for the job.
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Thinking that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to be President, that being gay is a choice, and that the victims of the Oregon shooting were cowards is not being in complete control.

Of course he did not say it exactly like you say he did, but truth is not always viewed as important on this board.

He said a Muslim that places Sharia law above the constitution should not be president. He said it is a choice to practice gay sex or any sex for that matter. He said if placed in the situation, he would rush the shooter is an attempt to live. That is easy to say, but I imagine almost impossible to do when in the moment.
Can you imagine how many States south of the MasonDixon Carson might carry? Those red State voters might not ever leave the trailer courts on election day.

You don't think he could win southern states because of racism? SC has an African American senator and an Indian American female governor. The world has changed over the past 50 years. Half the people who live here are northerners.
Thinking that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to be President, that being gay is a choice, and that the victims of the Oregon shooting were cowards is not being in complete control.
It is a choice to be ghey, sleep with a dude or a chick, that's a choice, and a muslim sharia law jihadist should not be prez, their law and our laws collide, just like we are seeing with obozo, and I dunno about cowards, he said they should have attacked rather than cowering , yes. most people agree with all three. not crazy at all. some of the crap "barak insane obamalama" comes up with- is insane.
again, this is all liberals thinking they - and they alone- can assign "insane-ness" to people so they can grab guns. that's all this is.
And, I would certainly not vote for a Muslim who placed Sharia Law above the constitution. I'll leave that to the liberals.
That's a good start. How about we broaden this out and not vote for anyone who puts religion over the law? Are you with me?
He also has zero experience. He knows next to nothing about foreign policy, has no relationship with foreign leaders, and has no experience in economics. He may be a stellar surgeon, but the job isn't for surgery. It's for leading the free world. And in this respect, his resume shows little to nothing in regards of having any experience at all for the job.

You're describing Obama here, right?