POLL: Which Billionaire Do You Want Running the Country?

Which billionaire(s) do you prefer, and how do you feel about a billionaire running the US?

  • I like the idea of a billionaire in the WH. I prefer Steyer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My second choice would be Trump.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My second choice would be Steyer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nov 28, 2010
Unless I missed someone there are now 3 billionaires vying for the presidency.

NOTE: You can vote for your first choice AND your second choice (if you want to).
If he makes it to the election, Steyer will only be a thousandaire with all the commercials he's airing in Iowa.
Are they working?

Living in reliably blue Maryland, I almost never get to see the political ads. Yes, I'm doubly blessed. But also curious how these different candidates come across in their ads.
Bloomberg surges into an early lead as both the first and second choice of the masses.

If this trend at all mimics national sentiment (or at least Dem sentiment), which current Dem contenders are in the worst trouble? I'm guessing Biden.

What does it say about America or the Dems that their 4 most popular candidates are all in their 70s? (Assuming Bloomberg vaults into the top tier.)
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Are they working?

Living in reliably blue Maryland, I almost never get to see the political ads. Yes, I'm doubly blessed. But also curious how these different candidates come across in their ads.

Not for me. There's been dozens every night for weeks. He's got his name out there, but not in a good way.
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With Bernie already fading and Bloomberg most likely eat into Biden's support, wouldn't it be interesting if the Dem race comes down to billionaire Bloomberg vs billionaire killer Warren?
How about the choice, I don't care how much money a person has, I want the best person for the job?
Bill Gates.

If we're just listing billionaires we like better than Trump, that's probably most of them.

I imagine there are some even worse, but not many.
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If he makes it to the election, Steyer will only be a thousandaire with all the commercials he's airing in Iowa.
And the bribe money his operatives are throwing around.
Never has a more true wisdom come to mind - "A fool and his money are soon parted"
Kind of interesting when you see numerous billionaires listed here,... apparently wealth turns you into a dumb ass...
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These are anxious days for Democrats who favor gated communities and unfettered trade. Americans who believe in a woman’s right to choose and private equity’s right to loot, now need a Klonopin with their morning news. Elizabeth Warren — the slayer of Summers, stumper of Stumpf, and all around bane of (finance) capital — boasts comfortable leads in Iowa and New Hampshire. In at least one of those states, a Trotskyist fellow traveler is her closest competitor. Now, the betting market’s invisible hand is pointing leftward. And those who fear that blue America is “going red” seem to have no safer bet than a septuagenarian who’s never quite sure what state he’s in (or else, a college-town mayor who may or may not have one black friend).

Which is to say: Davos Democrats’s disaffection with the 2020 field is understandable. The fact that their wing of the party has found itself banking on Joe Biden — a 76-year-old who is rambly beyond his years, and infamous for running memorably awful presidential campaigns in his prime — is surely distasteful for folks accustomed to hiring only the finest of help. But their frustrated entitlement is starting to cloud their judgment.

Although Uncle Joe isn’t an ideal standard-bearer, he’s still a totally viable one. In RealClearPolitics’s national polling average, Biden leads the field by nearly eight points. He’s in striking distance of Warren in New Hampshire, and blowing out his rivals in South Carolina. In hypothetical general-election surveys, he consistently outpolls the other Democrats, which surely bolsters his standing in the eyes of electability-obsessed primary-goers. And his campaign has managed to retain this formidable position while having to make due with much a much leaner budget than Warren’s, Bernie Sanders’s, or even Mayor Pete’s. If blue America’s deep-pocketed political patrons collectively made peace with their predicament, and went all in on Biden, they would have an excellent shot of securing control of the party’s commanding heights.

Alas, collective action doesn’t come naturally to this set. And so, Michael Bloomberg appears hell-bent on redistributing vast sums of his own wealth, so as to (unintentionally) advance the cause of democratic socialism........