POLL: Which Secret Deal Worries You More?

Nov 28, 2010
Our government is currently negotiating 2 deals in significant secrecy: 1) The Iran deal on nuclear issues, sanctions and related matters; and 2) The Trans-Pacific Partnership on trade. Which worries you more?

It's up to you to decide what it is you find worrisome about these deals but I would suggest that one way to think about this is to ask yourself which deal - if the general sense we have of their probable details is substantially correct - is likely to be worse for America.
I think the Iran issue is more consequential and worry we wont get a deal on that front which will potentially waste thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. However I'm pretty sure all parties realize how consequential this is and will make every effort to get a deal done. While its not as important, I think we are very likely to get a bad deal with the TPP because Obama isn't very liberal.