POLL: Would You Comply With A National or State-Wide Mask Requirement?

How likely are you to comply with a national or state-wide requirement to wear a mask? (see comment)

  • I like the idea, but I won't comply most of the time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like the idea, but I won't comply.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nov 28, 2010
Let's suppose the mask requirement is straight-forward and easy to follow. Nothing tricky.

Let's suppose non-compliance results in a warning, then a small fine, then a larger fine, but never outrageous.

Let's suppose there are reasonable exceptions for those who have a genuine problem wearing a mask.

How do you feel about such a mask requirement and how likely are you to comply?
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These people shouldn't be out. If they have respiratory issues that preclude a mask, getting a respiratory infection is dumb as hell.

I know you know this, but the number of people who have legitimate issues that preclude a mask are so small that they are statistically non-existent. Karen saying "I can't breath" is made up BS because she's a snowflake.
These people shouldn't be out. If they have respiratory issues that preclude a mask, getting a respiratory infection is dumb as hell.
I was thinking of small kids, people with reduced lung capacity and such. But I don't really know enough to know who should qualify. I just wanted to avoid people using that as an excuse.

Some of those folks could be asked to wear a face shield instead, I assume.

And if you do have a legit reason not to wear a mask, you would get something like those handicapped thingies that people hang from the car mirror. Wear it around your neck so that you won't get hassled for not wearing a mask.
I already wear a mask when, necessary, useful or requested by businesses or facilities that I frequent,.. I'll comply with that.
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I already wear a mask when I'm indoors. I'm not going to wear a mask when I'm outdoors unless I'm in close proximity to other people.
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I already wear a mask when I'm indoors. I'm not going to wear a mask when I'm outdoors unless I'm in close proximity to other people.

I don’t think a national mask mandate would require you to wear a mask when you are outside. Most of the states that have enacted orders requiring masks outside only require them if social distancing is not possible.

I agree that there is typically no need to wear a mask outside. For instance, there’s no need to wear a mask when you are taking the dog for a walk around the neighborhood, and I find it unlikely that any mask mandate would require it.
I don’t think a national mask mandate would require you to wear a mask when you are outside. Most of the states that have enacted orders requiring masks outside only require them if social distancing is not possible.

I agree that there is typically no need to wear a mask outside. For instance, there’s no need to wear a mask when you are taking the dog for a walk around the neighborhood, and I find it unlikely that any mask mandate would require it.
But suppose it did. Would you comply?
I already comply where posted and required. We social distance otherwise. Haven’t been in a grocery store or restaurant since March. We limit our exposure to others by only hanging out with the same friends. Other than staying home 24/7 there isn’t much else to do.
I have been wearing my mask in every public place since March. If everyone else did the same, we would have this virus on the ropes. Maybe not a knockout blow but the virus would spread very slowly.
I agree that there is typically no need to wear a mask outside.
This is how I feel about stop signs and such when there are no other cars around.

Except, of course, for the cop car hiding behind the billboard waiting for someone to coast through the sign at 3AM.

Which, in case you couldn't guess. is a true story.

The problem is, if you are going to have a mandate, you want it to be clear and simple. If masks aren't required outside unless social distancing is a problem, who decides when social distancing is a problem? Which is to say, if we are going to have exceptions, the exceptions also need to be clear and simple.
I wear mine outdoors unless I'm on my own property and it's just my wife and kids there.
Ditto, although I occasionally skip it when I do my short walk in my neighborhood. But if I'm approaching humans while walking without a mask, I give them a wide berth.

That said, if there were a mandate saying to wear a mask while on my walk, I'd do it. I may not think it's needed, but it sets a good example. And that's part of beating COVID, too.
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I already wear my mask everywhere other than my desk, my car and on my property. I just wish everyone else would so I don't have to worry about their cooties.
I already wear my mask to include at my desk...but I'm about to be working from home, so that will change. I HATE WEARING A MASK, but it's literally the best thing for everyone so I do it. I want to punch people who don't.
I would not wear one outside. I follow science.
If you follow science, you know that if people start flouting the parts of the law they don't like (or the parts they don't think have good science behind them) overall compliance (including for the parts that do have good science behind them) will also suffer.

So, yes, follow the science and wear your mask even in those instances where you don't think science requires a mask.
I was thinking of small kids, people with reduced lung capacity and such. But I don't really know enough to know who should qualify. I just wanted to avoid people using that as an excuse.

Some of those folks could be asked to wear a face shield instead, I assume.

And if you do have a legit reason not to wear a mask, you would get something like those handicapped thingies that people hang from the car mirror. Wear it around your neck so that you won't get hassled for not wearing a mask.

Use a shield.

FSS how is that not the simple end to that argument every time?
Not many votes yet but 100% of us are being reasonable, so far, even if we don't like it.

Nice to see.

The theory that Republicans are against wearing masks in most situations is just not true. Most have no issues with wearing a mask in a store, restaurant while walking to RR or entering, at work between doors and office, etc.... I think that has been blown out of proportion and your poll reflects that.
No reading through all those... Yes, I would comply so long as it didn't require me to wear it in my house and in wide open spaces without other people around. We already wear our masks in congested outdoor spaces and all indoor spaces except when seated to eat (in this case we ensure we are very well distanced or we leave)...
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The theory that Republicans are against wearing masks in most situations is just not true. Most have no issues with wearing a mask in a store, restaurant while walking to RR or entering, at work between doors and office, etc.... I think that has been blown out of proportion and your poll reflects that.
Because their dear leader mocks people who wear masks... even indoors. And, they defend everyt other dumb a f thing he spouts.
What could be more unreasonable than mandating what 100% of people do without a mandate.

What's next, mandating that you inhale and exhale?
You might think mask wearing would be an obvious good that most people would adopt without even being asked, but we have a President, a major party, and major news media who tell lies and deliberately mislead people about the need for and benefit of wearing masks.

And the lies have gone on so long that some people act like being asked to wear a mask is like being required to get sterilized or worship Satan.
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Of course. I'm at elevated risk simply due to age. So is my wife. I think about everything I do in terms of protecting myself and my family.

I would prefer that everyone be motivated by concern for our fellow man. I'm 63, but my personal risk is still low. If we sold this as a patriotic duty instead of the way to protect yourself I think we would have better compliance.

Every time someone says they are motivated by fear it makes the non-mask people view the whole idea as a sign of weakness. Appealing to a sense of civic-mindedness (liberals) or patriotic duty (conservatives) imo would have been a better approach.

But that ship has sailed.
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You might think mask wearing would be an obvious good that most people would adopt without even being asked, but we have a President, a major party, and major news media who tell lies and deliberately mislead people about the need for and benefit of wearing masks.

And the lies have gone on so long that some people act like being asked to wear a mask is like being required to get sterilized or worship Satan.

I've yet to see a single person act like that, although I have seen a few people who regocnize that totalitarianism kills, along with quite a few more who lack the synapses to arrive at such an obvious conclusion.
Sure, because wearing a mask is only a very minor inconvenience. It would be a really stupid and totally unnecessary requirement, but I would follow it.
And this is the right way to think about it, imo. Small cost for potentially meaningful benefit.

Not only is it a small cost, but it might be the least effort that could still yield a solid return.

Is it an infringement upon your freedom. Sure. But it's so trivial that it would be laughable that so many people are whining about it - except that their whining results in people dying.
But suppose it did. Would you comply?

I would not comply with outdoors unless it's crowded. Fauci has said they are not necessary outdoors, so I would adamantly oppose government overreach.

I guess I did comply this summer when I was in Rehoboth Beach and they were mandatory for a few weeks, even outdoors. But while it wasn't crowded there were enough people around that I complied out of respect for social norms. But I mostly would not comply.

We've had mask mandates since March statewide. They are not generally required outdoors, nor should they be.
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I'd like to think so, too.

A shame we didn't have leadership that thought to try that.

To be fair, Democrats and liberals were not trying to sell it that way, either. Their preferred method was panic, fear, and virtue signaling. Pretty much everybody has, imo, been stupid in their reaction, and that's why we're in such a pitiful position right now. Although, since Europe supposedly did everything right and now they're surging even worse than us, I suppose we'd be in a miserable position no matter what.
I would not comply with outdoors unless it's crowded. Fauci has said they are not necessary outdoors, so I would adamantly oppose government overreach.

I guess I did comply this summer when I was in Rehoboth Beach and they were mandatory for a few weeks, even outdoors. But while it wasn't crowded there were enough people around that I complied out of respect for social norms. But I mostly would not comply.

We've had mask mandates since March statewide. They are not generally required outdoors, nor should they be.
When otherwise reasonable people say they would pick and choose whether to comply, it reinforces the unreasonable people in their unwillingness.