Polls are so much fun


HB Heisman
Apr 4, 2023
Looks like Kamala is now the Democrats only hope to beat the twice-impeached felon.

Remarkable, for someone MAGA fans deride as the worst politician and person in the history of American politics.

Polls. 🤣

All I know about her is the Innocence Project had serious issues with her. They claim she railroaded some people into prison for political gain.
Can you imagine this woman giving the SOTU address?

After Trump’s musings about the efficacy of injecting disinfectant into the human body during a worldwide pandemic, not to mention all of the other stupid shit he has said that people like you haven’t once batted an eye at, it’s not that alarming to me.

But you MAGA on, bro.

After Trump’s musings about the efficacy of injecting disinfectant into the human body during a worldwide pandemic, not to mention all of the other stupid shit he has said that people like you haven’t once batted an eye at, it’s not that alarming to me.

But you MAGA on, bro.
dumb people make dumb posts. Liars just repeat other people's lies. You managed to do both in one post.
Dont be simple.
Again, the self awareness thing.

I am not a Democrat. It’s not my job to make a case for Kamala. Put about any other Republican on the ballot and I am voting for him or her.

Trump is a deal breaker. I’m pretty much there with Biden. The argument is simple because the case is simple: cognitive impairment and ethics.

Not hard, dude.
Can you imagine this woman giving the SOTU address?
I am giving a speech about the state of the union. We are here in the union of the state giving a speech. Does anyone at this address have anything you would like me to give a speech about.
dumb people make dumb posts. Liars just repeat other people's lies. You managed to do both in one post.
Just curious: What about the OP or thread title made you believe I was endorsing this particular poll?

Again, lack of self awareness.

Jesus Christ you’re a ****ing idiot.

Btw, third graders know how to capitalize the first word of a sentence.
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Just curious: What about the OP or thread title made you believe I was endorsing this particular poll?

Again, lack of self awareness.

Jesus Christ you’re a ****ing idiot.

Btw, third graders know how to capitalize the first word of a sentence.
If I were writing an essay on how people repeat lies, I'd make sure my capitalization and punctuation are on point. This is but a message board for nerds and dorks and I don't proof read the stuff I type.
At one time I thought she would have been an uninspiring choice. Now I would be first in line to vote for her.
I wouldn’t go that far, but it is what it is.

If the Republic is still intact in 2028, hopefully we can have a serious election.
Honestly I think a switch of candidates might help at least temporarily as the people are hungry for just someone who's brain still seems to be functioning and actually has a little bit of energy to them.
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Again, the self awareness thing.

I am not a Democrat. It’s not my job to make a case for Kamala. Put about any other Republican on the ballot and I am voting for him or her.

Trump is a deal breaker. I’m pretty much there with Biden. The argument is simple because the case is simple: cognitive impairment and ethics.

Not hard, dude.
It is fascinating that Northern either cannot comprehend or acknowledge what you are describing. In his world Trump has done nothing wrong and therin is the problem.

Zero accountability should be unacceptable for us all yet one side absolutely insists upon it. Very strange
Just curious: What about the OP or thread title made you believe I was endorsing this particular poll?

Again, lack of self awareness.

Jesus Christ you’re a ****ing idiot.

Btw, third graders know how to capitalize the first word of a sentence.
Ashton Kutcher Burn GIF

I love it when people use grammar as a great comeback. You showed him.
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If I were writing an essay on how people repeat lies, I'd make sure my capitalization and punctuation are on point. This is but a message board for nerds and dorks and I don't proof read the stuff I type.

But you have no conception of reading comprehension, in addition to sounding illiterate, and yet comment about “dumb posts.”

Hence my response.

You’re a waste of time. Deuces.
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It is fascinating that Northern either cannot comprehend or acknowledge what you are describing. In his world Trump has done nothing wrong and therin is the problem.

Zero accountability should be unacceptable for us all yet one side absolutely insists upon it. Very strange
It’s difficult for me to tell if Northern is serious or just trolling.

The other Trump apologists on here are obviously just that stupid.
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When someone comments about “dumb posts” yet can’t construct a basic sentence, then. yes, I will point out the irony.

Not surprising that went over your head.
Did you know that if you are using your phone and start typing a new sentence but decide to delete it and start over that it doesn’t always automatically start over with capitalizing the first letter. So if I wouldn’t go back and capitalize the first letter, in your mind, that makes me dumb? I’d say it’s more lazy than dumb. But what seems dumb is making a comment insinuating that person is dumb because they didn’t capitalize the first letter of a sentence on a GIA site.
At one time I thought she would have been an uninspiring choice. Now I would be first in line to vote for her.
Given that everyone agrees Biden won't last another full term, isn't that what we're effectively doing by voting for Biden?
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Looks like Kamala is now the Democrats only hope to beat the twice-impeached felon.

Remarkable, for someone MAGA fans deride as the worst politician and person in the history of American politics.

Polls. 🤣

She’s a woman of color. Of course she’s going to win.
Did you know that if you are using your phone and start typing a new sentence but decide to delete it and start over that it doesn’t always automatically start over with capitalizing the first letter. So if I wouldn’t go back and capitalize the first letter, in your mind, that makes me dumb? I’d say it’s more lazy than dumb. But what seems dumb is making a comment insinuating that person is dumb because they didn’t capitalize the first letter of a sentence on a GIA site.