Pope about to declare climate debate settled

Not sure any church should be your go to source on any subject based on scientific principles.

I do think man created climate change is largely bs but I don't need a priest to help me form that opinion.
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How will Catholics react? Should the rest of us care? In 10 days Pope Francis, in an homage to his name sake St. Francis of Assisi will pass judgment and make a final theological declaration on how man should interact with the environment. It could get interesting around here in 10 days, sleep well Phantom.

5 Reasons Pope Francis' Encyclical on the Environment Matters

i don't know about all that . . . so, here's for the effort:

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Christian Science Monitor Headline in 10 days vvv

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Pope Francis has lost some credibility as the spiritual
leader of the Roman Catholic Church. He has not really
cleaned out the parishes with priests involved in sex
scandals with youth . It is easier to speak out on climate
change and world hunger. He is losing the gravitas needed
to speak with moral clarity on priests who should be
From the article: Santorum says leave science to the scientists. Which of course, he won't listen to them either.

Still want to vote Santorum Cons?

Straw man brain completely ignores the original post and tries to hijack the thread. Hey, guess who thinks Santorum will be the nominee? Really, really stupid people named after fictional characters in a George R.R. Martin book.
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Pope Francis has lost some credibility as the spiritual
leader of the Roman Catholic Church. He has not really
cleaned out the parishes with priests involved in sex
scandals with youth . It is easier to speak out on climate
change and world hunger. He is losing the gravitas needed
to speak with moral clarity on priests who should be
Of course conservative Catholics won't criticize the previous popes who did NOTHING AT ALL to stop the abuse as long as those popes don't in any way criticize any parts of capitalism that are bad.
Straw man brain completely ignores the original post and tries to hijack the thread. Hey, guess who thinks Santorum will be the nominee? Really, really stupid people named after fictional characters in a George R.R. Martin book.
Ooohh,'re turning me on, tell me more.
I speak for the whole board when I say we like it when you admit all your science comes from politicians.
I would imagine very little comes from politicians. Science isn't well represented in the background of our body politic. Good that you claimed the HROT crown however, that's real conservatism.