Pornhub: Now Illegal in TX

This thread isn’t just a Pepsi, it’s a complete failure of understanding basic facts. Pornhub is not illegal in Texas.
Pornhub has shut down access for Texans.
Really, the same result (by design, for the minority theocracy)
This thread isn’t just a Pepsi, it’s a complete failure of understanding basic facts. Pornhub is not illegal in Texas.
Not illegal but realistically, I assume the vast majority of people don’t want to give ID information to a porn company and then I assume you can’t use private / incognito mode (if the site needs to know you’re registered) so your ID ends up linked to everything you watched. Feels like a gamble given how many data breaches occur these days.
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A more correct summary is that pornhub blocked access to its site in the state of Texas in protest of this law. Judgement of the law aside I noticed that pornhub claimed the law "would be harmful to minors". I thought this was an exceptionally odd thing to say tbh
I never go to Pornhub but I understand - from a degenerate friend - they require age verification in NC. Is that not the case in TX?
My understanding is that Pornhub has blocked access in North Carolina as well as Texas and several other states that have similar age verification laws. It sounds like your friend might be using VPN to access the site.

Pornhub initially tried to use LA Wallet (Louisiana’s digital driver’s license) to verify age when Louisiana implemented their law. But Pornhub saw their traffic in Louisiana decrease by 80%.

Now obviously the number of people in Louisiana accessing online porn didn’t suddenly decrease by 80%. A lot of people simply started using VPN.

So I think that what Pornhub has decided to do in any state that implements age verification laws is to simply block access in that state to avoid the hassle and let their customers circumvent the law for them.
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My understanding is that Pornhub has blocked access in North Carolina as well as Texas and several other states that have similar age verification laws. It sounds like your friend might be using VPN to access the site.

Pornhub initially tried to use LA Wallet (Louisiana’s digital driver’s license) to verify age when Louisiana implemented their law. But Pornhub saw their traffic in Louisiana decrease by 80%.

Now obviously the number of people in Louisiana accessing online porn didn’t suddenly decrease by 80%. A lot of people simply started using VPN.

So I think that what Pornhub has decided to do in any state that implements age verification laws is to simply block access in that state to avoid the hassle and let their customers circumvent the law for them.

I don't use a VPN but I would think kids getting a VPN without their parents being aware of it would be at least somewhat difficult so perhaps the law is still somewhat effective in it's objective.
I don't use a VPN but I would think kids getting a VPN without their parents being aware of it would be at least somewhat difficult so perhaps the law is still somewhat effective in it's objective.
I’ve never used VPN, so I have no idea how likely it would be for a parent to find out their kid was using it. But I know that most teenagers are more tech savvy than their parents.
A proxy server isn’t a big deal. We used it all the time in Vietnam to get on Facebook.

Speaking of communism, Oklahoma is going the same route as Texas (on just about every sex related law) and it reminds me more and more of living in the Middle East. The Bolde freedom crowd certainly is picky about its freedoms.
A proxy server isn’t a big deal. We used it all the time in Vietnam to get on Facebook.

Speaking of communism, Oklahoma is going the same route as Texas (on just about every sex related law) and it reminds me more and more of living in the Middle East. The Bolde freedom crowd certainly is picky about its freedoms.
Vietnam doesn’t allow Facebook?
So when in Texas call MTG if she can send some hunter dick picks and the Colorado gal can send how to give a hand job and get felt up edition 19 to ya. Fukin Republicans should be the last to talk about morality. This is why u hate Christians and Republicans. Take your shit to Russia.
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Which is currently banning Pornhub in TX.

Once they complete that, TX will come up with another "excuse"...
They aren't banned, though. If a place has stipulations you don't agree with and you choose not to take your business there, you aren't banned from that place.

They pulled their website because they'd just rather not deal with texas. This is their statement.

“Unfortunately the Texas law for age verification is ineffective, haphazard, and dangerous. Not only will it not actually protect children, it will inevitably reduce content creators’ ability to post and distribute legal adult content and directly impact their ability to share the artistic messages they want to convey with it,” said Alex Kekesi, vice president of brand and community at Aylo, Pornhub’s Canadian-based parent company.
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Sounds like OP was up early in Texas this morning with big plans for his day and is disappoint.

"...the artistic messages they want to convey with it,”
No Way Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

You can take religion out of the discussion when it comes to porn pretty easily:

Watching pornography rewires the brain to a more juvenile state​

"Porn scenes, like addictive substances, are hyper-stimulating triggers that lead to unnaturally high levels of dopamine secretion. This can damage the dopamine reward system and leave it unresponsive to natural sources of pleasure. This is why users begin to experience difficulty in achieving arousal with a physical partner."

  • Terry Crews: “My issue was, and is, with pornography, that it changes the way you think about people. People become objects, people become body parts; they become things to be used rather than people to be loved.”
  • Orlando Bloom: “Porn is super-disruptive to your sex life, to your libido,” Bloom said in a March 2020.
  • Emma Thompson: Thompson talks about her concerns for young men who look at pornography online and “cannot function sexually because they’ve lost the use of their imagination.” Recently, she worked on a documentary about online sex abuse, and narrated an independent film that explores the dangers of living in a tech-obsessed society influenced by porn and isolated communication behind the protection of a screen.
  • Chris Rock: “When you watch too much porn, you know what happens?… You get desensitized. When you start watching porn, any porn will do. Then, later on, you’re all f—ed up and you need a perfect porn cocktail to get [aroused]. I was so f—ed up … I’m a lot better now.”
  • Lamar Odam (NBA): In his own words, this exclusive video interview captures his thoughts on how porn twisted his perception of love, intimacy, and sex—and how he is embracing newfound honesty and transparency in his life since quitting his porn habit.
  • Josh Radnor: “People make the argument that pornography has always been around – like it’s some kind of sturdy, time-honored tradition – but it’s a baseless argument. It has never been around the way it is today, with the instant availability and variety and barbarity of it all. Internet pornography is this crazy experiment unleashed on the human psyche. Bodies and brains are being sent on a wildly untested chemical roller coaster. Like with any drug I think there are people whose circuitry is not vulnerable to the addiction, and many others who aren’t so fortunate. Because it’s all so new and has exploded so fast, research is only now beginning to come out. Reports of chronic porn watchers detoxing off porn mirrors classic drug withdrawal – shakes, sweating, insomnia, depression, inability to focus, suicidal ideation, etc. There are those who say there’s no such thing as pornography addiction and that watching porn is harmless. History will not be kind to those people. They’ll be the doctors from the fifties in the cigarette ads.”


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Which is currently banning Pornhub in TX.
No, they are not. Pornhub is choosing not to do business in Texas because they don’t want to comply with ID verification requirements.

Saying that Texas has banned Pornhub is like saying Texas has banned chewing tobacco because they require stores to ask for ID.

Your stupidity is absolutely staggering.
I’ve never used VPN, so I have no idea how likely it would be for a parent to find out their kid was using it. But I know that most teenagers are more tech savvy than their parents.
If the kid has a way to pay for the service, it's likely the parents will never discover it.
Seriously, besides Rogan and Musk, wtf gives 2 shits about Texas? Soon, it will apply to Iowa also, thanks to Kimbo Slice.
No, they are not. Pornhub is choosing not to do business in Texas because they don’t want to comply with ID verification requirements.

Saying that Texas has banned Pornhub is like saying Texas has banned chewing tobacco because they require stores to ask for ID.

Your stupidity is absolutely staggering.
It’s like saying you’re banned from a restaurant bc you refuse to put on shoes or a shirt
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