Press Coverage: Ferguson vs Bergdahl


HB Legend
Sep 3, 2004
I always watch MSNBC in the am. It can be brutal but interesting to watch.

When Ferguson occurred there was one witness who said that the person who was shot had their hands up saying don't shoot and the officer shot him anyway. Really didn't do much investigation, just started beating the drum. There were three CNN reporters that sat there with their hands up and said they were with the marchers tonight. It was quite sickening really.
They even made a point to figure out who the officer was so they could get his name out there.

Now, we have Bergdahl, and the President and Susan Rice calling him a hero etc. Well now it comes out that he may not have been what everyone thought. In this case, the press is making sure to tell everyone let's wait and see what comes out of the Court Martial. Really?? This is also a case where you have several witnesses who said that he had deserted.

The bias in the press anymore is just pathetic. You can see it in the way they cover the different stories.

It is like the Zimmerman case. I will go on record that Zimmerman is nutty, but they altered a tape to just try and make their point that it was racial.

Will we ever get back to the point where reporters are reporters and not a political machine built to sway public perception?
I had heard that his defense team will use Rice's comments on national TV as part of their defense. That would be priceless. Would they be able to have Rice testify in his defense.

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