Progressive Ideas & KKK in sync

well you have to claim somebody. You don’t claim the modern progressive movement of CHAZ/CHOP and promoting people of color now need their own segregated areas and you don’t claim The Godfather of American progressivism. Apparently you are politically fluid.
No, I don't. I am politically moderate and have some conservative leanings and some liberal. I don't have to be one or the other.

You are really terrible at this.
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That’s a great video and speaks a lot of truths that some don’t want to hear. Does it cover every nuance, no but it should be an eye opener for those who think they are on the moral high ground.
People aren’t pure. Ideologies are. When FDR stripped people of their rights without cause or due process, that was a conservative move.

Trump isn’t a liberal, but when he says he’s going to close bases and bring troops home, that’s a liberal move.

Your world view is too simple.
I do the same thing when I can not argue against a fact.
What “fact” are you arguing? You are arguing “facts” that changed political parties in the late 1960’ was Southern Democrats, Post Civil War that led the rise of the was northern white liberals of the 1960s that led the charge for integration and voter’s rights with their “ freedom rides” of the 1960’s...It was a southern Democratic President that fought and hustled for civil rights legislation in 1964, cajoling northern Republicans and Democrats and southern Democratic Senators for votes to pass both the civil rights and voter’s rights was a southern segregationist Democrat that led the fight for segregation...a man who left the Democratic Party and ran for President as a third party....and it was a Republican presidential candidate who in the late ‘60’s ties all this fear and hatred together, developed and exploited his “southern strategy” and became President of the United States by effectively running sections of America against each other.,
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It's so simple.
in 2016 we had a choice.
1. Hillary Clinton- smart enough to know better than to put disinfectant in ones body
2. Donald Trump
We know who Hawk-I chose.