Project 2025 is Already Complete--in Russia!


HB All-State
Nov 5, 2011
If you bought a Burger King, would you try to change the menu to be the same as KFC?

Of course not!

If you wanted a restaurant with KFC's menu, you would just buy a KFC in the first place, right?

So, if you are a social conservative who wants to live in a god-fearing utopia with other social conservatives, why not just move to one? Why try to pass laws forcing others to abide by the standards of your religion in the Land of the Free? The US has always been a capitalistic den of depravity and individualism. Nowhere on earth is less appropriate for social conservatism.

Wouldn't it be easier to just move to a country where your values are shared by most of its inhabitants?

Putin is a guardian of social conservatism. He is an avowed enemy of liberalism. Russia needs people. So, take your bullshit there!