Actually, it's like telling cigarette smokers that "you can't stop lung cancer so the only solution is to prepare for it - AND MEANWHILE KEEP ON SMOKING!"
This is an incredibly stupid but entirely predictable next step in the denier campaign. Why stupid? Because it embodies a truth - that it's too late to stop significant climate change that we will have to deal with whether we like it or not - but acts as if the already-baked-in climate changes are all we have to worry about.
If we don't take preventative action NOW, the negative consequences will continue to pile up.
We have squandered decades when modest action could have prevented or significantly ameliorated global warming. We no longer have that option. Fortunately we still have the option of aggressive action that could prevent much harm. BUT if we don't get moving NOW, we will have fewer (and worse) choices ahead. The timid and mostly symbolic promises by Obama and other leader (who won' tbe in office when it's time to deliver) are better than nothing, but not by much. We need to get much more serious.
The idea of preparing to accept the inevitable makes sense. But the idea of doing nothing else - which is implicit in the OP's setup - guarantees that things will get worse and climate change will not settle at the level of harm we have already insured by prior inaction.