Congratulations. Most people couldn’t come up with two such clueless takes in one short thread. But I’m sure you’re proud.
Well the thing they like to do is play the game of how "normal" can they be. You know, like their life with no limits heading suggested. And you'll have these pieces that are like... "look how normal they are. They can make tacos."
But life is a lot more than making tacos. You have to do taxes and car driving and whatnot.
They're not limitless, they have intellectual disability. And there are degradations to it. On the high end you can make tacos, on the low end, maybe you can put on slippers.
Although it's probably easier to get by and be normal for them in Puerto Rico. Not exactly Harvard Square down there.
I will say, with some people it's hard to say. I had a buddy in high school that I'm pretty sure had it, at least in the nose and eye area. Everything else was pretty normal. Even did well with the ladies. (especially the hispanic girls for whatever reason) Did well in shop class, PE, monster in volleyball. Went out for football but only did special teams, couldn't pickup assignments. Same with basketball. Not the sort of guy you'd want doing your taxes though, if you catch my drift.
Think he's married and working at Lowe's now. (which I'm pretty sure is his limit) Should we do a piece on him?