Putin election interfering...endorsing the cackling clown😂


Dec 16, 2014
Cannot imagine why. Those petro dollars since Kammie laid waste to our energy industry are making Russia rich at our expense. Again. Need I remind you she ran down - way down - our strategic oil reserves manipulating gas prices for election political points. Still not rebuilt for a real emergency, genius!

Cannot imagine why. Those petro dollars since Kammie laid waste to our energy industry are making Russia rich at our expense. Again. Need I remind you she ran down - way down - our strategic oil reserves manipulating gas prices for election political points. Still not rebuilt for a real emergency, genius!

If you watch the video, this is how dumb Putin thinks Americans are. Apparently correctly in your case.
Wait, who "ran down - way down - " our strategic oil reserves? I know you guys don't like pronouns, but you used "she" there. Remind me again what power "she" had to do any of that.
Cannot imagine why. Those petro dollars since Kammie laid waste to our energy industry are making Russia rich at our expense. Again. Need I remind you she ran down - way down - our strategic oil reserves manipulating gas prices for election political points. Still not rebuilt for a real emergency, genius!

You believe what Russia tells you to believe, just like all trumpers.
A word of warning to you woketards, you can vote yourself into a communist dictatorship but you can't vote yourself out of one. Oh, and they have a history of killing all the academic types sooner rather than later.
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