putin supports harris?


HB Legend
Oct 1, 2002
It must be tough to be Putin on this issue. On the one hand, Trump is likely to reduce America's support for Ukraine. On the other, Trump is ignorant and unstable. Which is more important to Putin: Trump's help on Ukraine or having a steady hand on America's tiller?
Or...Putin thinks Harris will win and he expects KH to push for peace talks where Vladmay gets to keep Crimea?
Obviously he's yanking our chain but funny

".... he recommended that all his supporters support Ms. Harris. So we will do the same, we will support her," Putin said, smiling wryly at an economic forum in Vladivostok."

Why would you think he's yanking our chain. If I was Putin, I'd support the weaker candidate.
Why would you think he's yanking our chain. If I was Putin, I'd support the weaker candidate.
quite possible that every world leader has a preference but do any of them actually express a preference? it’s imprudent at the very least. putin is literally sowing (mild and amusing certainly) unrest amongst the likes of us and coming across as a cool cat to his own citizens.
China is 100% in bed with Harris. A weak U.S. president is very good for China.

China was terrified of pre covid America and Trump with a roaring economy and beginning of a military rebuild. In their eyes it had to be stopped at all costs so they released a virus on the world to shut it all down.
if so the republicans should focus on this and put forth factoids to convince the rest of us. this is a topic (if true) worth discussing/refuting instead of many of the race and accent related garbage points
China is 100% in bed with Harris. A weak U.S. president is very good for China.

China was terrified of pre covid America and Trump with a roaring economy and beginning of a military rebuild. In their eyes it had to be stopped at all costs so they released a virus on the world to shut it all down.
It must be wild living in such a weird fantasy world and just completely ignoring reality.
Why would you think he's yanking our chain. If I was Putin, I'd support the weaker candidate.

I would support the candidate that's going to benefit me more. Which would be Trump considering him and his party are behind cutting off military aid to Ukraine.

Also for the record Trump is the weaker candidate. All his false bravado and machoism is just a cover for a really weak leader. Multiple times he made deals with Dems that he backed out of the very next day after someone else told him not to. That is the definition of a weak leader. Can't make his own decisions and someone else tells him what decisions to make.

He could have gotten a lot done if he had not been so weak. He would have gotten the border wall in exchange for dreamers getting a path to citizenship and would have potentially passed good gun legislation.
Part of me thinks the is simply Vlad trying to remain relevant. Dude is an old man in decline, just like Trump, and will say anything to get the spot light back on him.
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China is 100% in bed with Harris. A weak U.S. president is very good for China.

China was terrified of pre covid America and Trump with a roaring economy and beginning of a military rebuild. In their eyes it had to be stopped at all costs so they released a virus on the world to shut it all down.
Uh huh.