Putting people on ignore by accident


HB Heisman
Aug 19, 2006
From time to time I have noticed I have put random people on ignore. I have no idea what I am doing to cause this, I have never put someone on ignore on purpose. Anybody know what I am doing? TIA
can users who get ignored see on how many (not necessarily who) are ignoring them?
Sometimes I accidentally hit the posters name instead of the thread title to open it up. Their profile pops up. You can click behind it to get it to go away, but if you go low and miss, you can hit ignore... that's how I've done it
I have done that a few times. If you click on the poster name, the poster's info opens up with the ignore button in almost the exact same spot as where the name was. I think I have done it accidentally while waiting due to a slow connection (or because I had one too many IPAs).
Sometimes I accidentally hit the posters name instead of the thread title to open it up. Their profile pops up. You can click behind it to get it to go away, but if you go low and miss, you can hit ignore... that's how I've done it

Bingo! That sounds like what I am doing. Thanks
You rat bastard sons of bitches!!!

test GIF