

HB All-American
Oct 31, 2002
Starting at Noon Central, they're releasing each weight every half hour, with brackets released at 5pm.

The link will take you to the sheet to show all particpants.

Hopefully this will help those looking to see who made it.

Also...not a very nice picture of Matt McDonough...

NCAA Qualifiers
Yeah. The picture of Matt is painful.

Pretty crazy that, for 133, each of Hall, Brewer and Schopp was an at large selection. What happened at their conf tourneys?
Originally posted by Gusaford:
Yeah. The picture of Matt is painful.

Pretty crazy that, for 133, each of Hall, Brewer and Schopp was an at large selection. What happened at their conf tourneys?
My computer is painfully slow, so I won't be surpised if someone beats me to this. The Big 12 (4) is not an auto-qualifying tourney. So all Big 12 guys - including Dieringer - will get wild cards into the tourney
For Hall and Brewer, the Big 12 no longer has auto-qualifiers via their tournament.
Big 12 doesn't have auto-qualifiers, so any champ, and probably runner-up will be picked at minimum.

Schopp got beat by Lock Haven's Perry in the Semi's of their tournament.
I see that Lizak from Minny got in at 125, Moore and Kelly are much more deserving than Lizak if you ask me. (Note - no one asked me!
) I think Moore and Kelly get in, but if they don't, that would really rot IMO.
141: Fisher gets a WC with a 24-17 record and Rodrigues with 16-11 record
This post was edited on 3/11 1:08 PM by Spicolli
I would not want to meet ISU's Rodriguez early on. He has gotten dramatically better.

This post was edited on 3/11 1:23 PM by MadTown Hawk
I feel good about Kelly and Moore getting in but the suspense is killing me!!!!!
And exhale. Now just to wait for the brackets.

Go score some points, boys, and get that trophy.
I'm glad to see Nick got in. The official wrestling Twitter account was tweeting pics of each qualifier as the weight was announced, and they didn't send one for 165 which made me very nervous! Glad to see they are just a little slow.
For those that follow these things closer than I do - are there any suprise "ins" or "outs" by the selection committee or is everything pretty much as expected?
Originally posted by Toughawk:
The 16-11 Rodriguez is from Mich.

Also agree about Dante at ISU. He is in as well.18-6
Fisher 24-17 - Michigan
Rodrigues 16-11 Illinois
Rodriguez 18-6 Iowa State
Thanks, not sure how I read that wrong..... well actually my grade school teachers probably told me but I didn't pay attention.
If this has been discussed I missed it and apologize in advance.

Did MSU get anyone through?
Any shot for an at large?
Originally posted by Toughawk:
If this has been discussed I missed it and apologize in advance.

Did MSU get anyone through?
Any shot for an at large?
I am not sure, coming in I would've said Gasca (141) and Rizqallah (184) were their best two chances.

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