Quickest way for the republicans to finally revolt . . .

I don’t know. The Putin-MAGA moron brainwashing machine is incredible. Look at it at work:

I actually agree with it being called a Ponzi scheme, but it’s going to be very hard to rectify the issue in anyway that doesn’t involve fu**ing over a lot of people or pissing off the Elons of the world.
To a certain extent, yes. Difference is, there are required balances and reinsurance those companies are required to have access to. Also, with insurance, the ability to raise capital via rate increases is there. I’m on board with @NorthernHawkeye suggestion.

It could be beneficial for everyone, including the richest man in world, to revisit what a Ponzi scheme actually is.

You have to have made a mistake or be okay with lying to confuse SSI with an investment vehicle.
Member when dems accused the right of hoping for economic collapse because of politics? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
To a certain extent, yes. Difference is, there are required balances and reinsurance those companies are required to have access to. Also, with insurance, the ability to raise capital via rate increases is there. I’m on board with @NorthernHawkeye suggestion.
I’m 100% on board with bumping the cap. I don’t even have a problem with the increase in the retirement age within limits - I was fully able to work full-time to 67. That isn’t true for those doing very physical work. I don’t have a big problem with means testing within limits. For my older brother, SS is pocket change. For me, it keeps me above water.
It could be beneficial for everyone, including the richest man in world, to revisit what a Ponzi scheme actually is.

You have to have made a mistake or be okay with lying to confuse SSI with an investment vehicle.
There’s a reason why I have a retirement account outside of Social Security. SS is not a great investment.

Start taking away the money from the retired old geezers that continue to vote for him. You start f'ing with their money and they will turn on you faster than you can blink. Please Please Please do it.
For some reason, only the first couple of paragraphs loaded. Did Musk actually say that payments to retirees should be cut?

SSI does fit the description of Ponzi scheme, in that you need an increasing number of people paying in to support earlier "investors,."
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Increase the payroll cap.
The simpler and fairer solution is to keep raising the eligibility age, slowly, until the program is actuarially sound. There was a time when politicians on both sides of the aisle wanted the program to be viewed as something that everyone contributes to and benefits from equally. Raising the cap would put it on better footing financially, but then it becomes more of a transfer payment program from high earners to lower earners.
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It. Wasn’t. Meant. To. Be.

It’s. Supposed. To. Be. SAFE.
I’m aware that it’s supposed to be safe, but I’m not very confident that it is for my generation. It’s an absolute godsend for people like my dad who worked for decades doing back breaking work. I’m not anti social security, I just have no confidence that in its current form that it will be around in 25 or so years when I retire.
I’m aware that it’s supposed to be safe, but I’m not very confident that it is for my generation. It’s an absolute godsend for people like my dad who worked for decades doing back breaking work. I’m not anti social security, I just have no confidence that in its current form that it will be around in 25 or so years when I retire.
If it collapses, it will be because one party has taken total power over the country and they have far too many people buying into the BS that SS is Ponzi scheme.

Your confidence depends on your considered vote.
It's not an investment at all or a full replacement for retirement funding and never has been. Anyone telling you otherwise likely wants it gone.
It was started to care for widows and the indigent.
SSI is not an investment account.
For many, it is another source of retirement funding, but for some, it is the nut.
If it collapses, it will be because one party has taken total power over the country and they have far too many people buying into the BS that SS is Ponzi scheme.

Your confidence depends on your considered vote.
Well, I didn’t vote for the current shitshow. We agree on the need for social security, I just don’t have the faith that this will be fixed and I know it won’t be by the current party in charge.
Any cuts to SS would be the death knell for the Party in control of the a normal environment.

With the braindead MAGA cult, who knows?

That said...none of the drastic cuts so far even come close to covering the proposed Musk tax cuts.
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Start taking away the money from the retired old geezers that continue to vote for him. You start f'ing with their money and they will turn on you faster than you can blink. Please Please Please do it.
Well if you take anybody or group of people's money they are going to be after you.

Musk is an totally weird person, no empathy, few social skills it seems, as bright as he probably is he talks and does some illogical things