Racist Sesame Street Character

Pretty hard to see out of those costumes, but it wasn’t all that busy from the reverse angle video I have seen. More likely that the worker just doesn’t give AF, and doesn’t like kids in general.
The PR damage control has been poor. Personally I don’t see how they sue and win anything.
Pretty hard to see out of those costumes, but it wasn’t all that busy from the reverse angle video I have seen. More likely that the worker just doesn’t give AF, and doesn’t like kids in general.
The PR damage control has been poor. Personally I don’t see how they sue and win anything.
Sea World will want Crump to go away….they’ll pay.

The congressional black caucus getting involved seems a little over board though. To put it mildly….

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He said it in the context that different people are looking at the same video and seeing different things. Makes sense to me.
Ink blots and a human interaction aren’t comparable IMO.

Preconceived notions and biases come into play when watching the video.

They don’t with ink blots
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Racism by an individual is not illegal. I highly doubt this was an issue of racism anyway but even if it was, you can't make personal feelings illegal.
There’s other instances of black children being passed over for white children at this park. Here’s something else entirely.

No one is saying it’s illegal.
The claimant is wanting to file suit, for what? That was my point. Nothing illegal was done and no one is even claiming any illegal action. So sue him for what?
Ink blots and a human interaction aren’t comparable IMO.

Preconceived notions and biases come into play when watching the video.

They don’t with ink blots
The point the host was making is people will see what they want to see. I don’t see the racism. Maybe Benjamin Crump does?
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As a former mascot, your vision is very restricted in those suits. Especially your downward vision for the shorter kids. I had a few times where I basically ran a kid over because they walked right in front of me without me seeing them. So I was ready to defend the performer.

But then you watch the video and see that the performer looked straight down at the kids. Got the hand ready and started waving at them before shaking it out, shaking their head, and walking away. There is something to that that doesn't seem right. Not necessarily lawsuit level not right, but if I was that person's manager I'd be talking to them.

Having said that, we're only seeing a few cultivated seconds that the people complaining want us to see. The video cuts exactly when the child looks at the camera. What happened after that and how did the character interact with the next kid that they mention? There is likely more to the story.

The only time that I as a performer ever stiffed a kid like this was when I had previously interacted with them and they were jerks to me. Hitting me or in general being abusive. I'd usually give them a similar head shake and walk away onto the next kid. I'm not saying that this is what happened in this scenario, but if you twisted my arm and I had to come up with a non-racist reason why a performer would act this way that is what I would have thought. Those girls look pretty young compared to the kids that usually acted that way though, so I highly doubt that happened in this case.
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Mr Johnson always gives me that vibe

The point the host was making is people will see what they want to see. I don’t see the racism. Maybe Benjamin Crump does?
I would just like to take this opportunity to say that I wish more conservatives and independents paid attention to what Smerconish says instead of idiots like Hannity and Carlson. He’s easily my favorite political pundit. He’s a common-sense conservative who despises Trump. He’s one of the last of a dying breed.
Having said that, we're only seeing a few cultivated seconds that the people complaining want us to see. The video cuts exactly when the child looks at the camera. What happened after that and how did the character interact with the next kid that they mention? There is likely more to the story.

Yeah, I'm having a hard time figuring out what the racist mechanism even is here. Like just to tease it out a little...

Does the part have an unwritten but understood policy to shun black children because they want them to have a bad time and not return to the park?

Is there an idea that somehow they've inadvertently hired a bunch of racists who don't want to touch a black child, through a suit?

Like, its always possible that the park hired a single rando who has weird racist feelings and doesn't interact with black kids as much. And if that's the case they should be fired if brought to their attention and it's clear.

But I'm having a hard time figuring out the how and why of this being a institutionally ingrained racist organization, manifesting itself in this way. It seems highly likely that this is a selectively edited video of kids coming in for like their fifth hug or something.

The one with the high five was weird, as if they were telling the kids something, like they were over a designated line or something.
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The world has gone cray-cray.

Remember when you wanted the ability for drug addicts (your sons) to be able to sue drug dealers when the addicts don't pay and get beat up. Remember that one? I'm not sure you have the right to call anyone cray-cray.

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