Rand Paul plays the right wing butt hurt card!

Remember the last election when the the Republicans dominated and you went into hiding and weren't heard from for a long time? I thought that was pretty cool.
Originally posted by hawkeye54545:
Remember the last election when the the Republicans dominated and you went into hiding and weren't heard from for a long time? I thought that was pretty cool.
I used to like you jscott because you would troll at an intelligent level. Now you just fill the board with the same old tired crap. Step away for a few days and hit us with something magical. Quality goes a long way over quantity when trolling.
'scotty seems to have a serious hard-on for conservatives' butts nowadays.

Paul has a lot of positions that are well outside of the mainstream, and ones that he's shifted on. Many of the mainstream one's he's going to have to shift on to become palatable to America. He also has the Southern Avenger in his closet.
So, rather than answer questions about crazy stuff, and crazy people in his past he attacked the woman questioning him. Just wait until he starts getting questioned by fellow Republicans on the campaign trail.
Oh he will play the I'm butt hurt it's the media's fault then too. He's conservative that way.