Random useless facts

Only 1 there TJ if indeed it is a fact.
It was intended as the title of the thread, not just my post. The idea is for other people to follow suit.

And the thing about paper has to be true because I saw it on the video screen at the BMV.
If too many pistachios are transported in a single container they will self-heat and spontaneously combust.
People with higher incomes generally prefer their toilet paper to come over the roll, while those with lower incomes prefer it to go under.
A professor at the University of Michigan did a study on
the love-making ability of women. He found that 4 out of
5 women do not know how to make love. The professor
is now looking desperately for that 5th woman.
Coca-cola would be green without food coloring.

Coca-cola spelled backwards is aloc-acoc,...which sounds a lot like "I like a c0ck.", when you say it.
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Lexy Panterra here is a world renowned twerker. She has numerous exercise video that emphasizes shaking that arse.
Neil Armstrong's boot...the one that made the first footprint on the moon (assuming you believe that s**t)...was a 9.5B.
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
In Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Saw There, chess pieces play the kinds of roles that playing cards held in Alice in Wonderland. The one chess piece not mentioned is the bishop - the power of the church?
A black hole isn't actually a hole at all. It is a pinpoint and extremely dense piece of matter that has an enormous amount of gravitational pull because of it.
It was intended as the title of the thread, not just my post. The idea is for other people to follow suit.

And the thing about paper has to be true because I saw it on the video screen at the BMV.
He's not use to actually contributing to a thread
in South Korea, it is illegal to remove the shutter sound from your cell phone
I seem to recall some talk about that here in the states a few years ago. I used to have a phone where turning the sound off wasn't even an option.