Rastetter Responds, Faculty and Students Apologize to 3 other Candidates


HB King
May 29, 2001
Responding to votes of no confidence from University of Iowa faculty and students in the Board of Regents for hiring a businessman to lead the institution, regents President Bruce Rastetter said Wednesday he hopes the campus will find a way to move forward.

Rastetter shot down any suggestion that J. Bruce Harreld’s appointment as UI president could be reversed.

“He’s president elect to the University of Iowa, and I appreciate that the faculty and students did not have a vote in no confidence in President Harreld,” Rastetter said. “But at the end of the day, the Board of Regents has hired him. He has a five-year contract. He’s excited about being there.”

Rastetter said Harreld is making calls “across the country” to gain support for the university.

“He’s president elect, and we’re looking forward to him coming to campus and looking forward to him helping us with the next Legislative session,” he said. “I think a number of Iowans are pretty excited about the choice.”

On Tuesday night, UI faculty senators and student government leaders voted no confidence in the regents for hiring Harreld, who has a largely business and not academic background,

“The voice of the undergraduate student body was not seriously considered in the final selection process,” according to the UI Student Government resolution, which stressed that undergraduate students make up 73 percent of the UI enrollment.

The graduate student resolution revisited the board’s vow throughout the presidential search process to value feedback from the UI community.

“However, it is clear that this ‘open’ search was truly not transparent, and the collective voices of all the constituencies at UI were not taken into account and further, actively ignored,” according to the resolution. “It is unfortunate that the board took this action in the face of such fierce and vocal opposition from the UI community.”

The graduate students, however, vowed to work with Harreld to ensure the UI continues “on a path to greatness.” Some faculty members suggested they might not be so willing.

Faculty and students have issued apologies to the other three finalists for the job who were brought to campus and who received strong support from faculty, staff and students — Oberlin College President Marvin Krislov, Tulane University Provost Michael Bernstein and Ohio State University Provost Joseph Steinmetz.

Harreld, a former top executive with IBM, Kraft and Boston Market, starts Nov. 2. His five-year contract calls for a beginning salary of $590,000 and a deferred compensation package of $1 million.
Responding to votes of no confidence from University of Iowa faculty and students in the Board of Regents for hiring a businessman to lead the institution, regents President Bruce Rastetter said Wednesday he hopes the campus will find a way to move forward.

Rastetter shot down any suggestion that J. Bruce Harreld’s appointment as UI president could be reversed.

“He’s president elect to the University of Iowa, and I appreciate that the faculty and students did not have a vote in no confidence in President Harreld,” Rastetter said. “But at the end of the day, the Board of Regents has hired him. He has a five-year contract. He’s excited about being there.”

Rastetter said Harreld is making calls “across the country” to gain support for the university.

“He’s president elect, and we’re looking forward to him coming to campus and looking forward to him helping us with the next Legislative session,” he said. “I think a number of Iowans are pretty excited about the choice.”

On Tuesday night, UI faculty senators and student government leaders voted no confidence in the regents for hiring Harreld, who has a largely business and not academic background,

“The voice of the undergraduate student body was not seriously considered in the final selection process,” according to the UI Student Government resolution, which stressed that undergraduate students make up 73 percent of the UI enrollment.

The graduate student resolution revisited the board’s vow throughout the presidential search process to value feedback from the UI community.

“However, it is clear that this ‘open’ search was truly not transparent, and the collective voices of all the constituencies at UI were not taken into account and further, actively ignored,” according to the resolution. “It is unfortunate that the board took this action in the face of such fierce and vocal opposition from the UI community.”

The graduate students, however, vowed to work with Harreld to ensure the UI continues “on a path to greatness.” Some faculty members suggested they might not be so willing.

Faculty and students have issued apologies to the other three finalists for the job who were brought to campus and who received strong support from faculty, staff and students — Oberlin College President Marvin Krislov, Tulane University Provost Michael Bernstein and Ohio State University Provost Joseph Steinmetz.

Harreld, a former top executive with IBM, Kraft and Boston Market, starts Nov. 2. His five-year contract calls for a beginning salary of $590,000 and a deferred compensation package of $1 million.
"Some faculty members suggested they might not be so willing."

This is the part that's very bothersome to me. Okay, so Harreld was not the first choice among the vast majority of faculty. Okay, so Rastetter and the Board were less than honest in the hiring process. Let's move on and get to work. It's over and done with, and as faculty we have the choice to help make this a success.
Is this the part where the OP reminds he "does want Harreld to succeed" but will keep posting all kinds of stuff that's negative about the appointment process, the faculty's extremely negative view of Harreld, and opinions that the man in unqualified?

The academic community is responding like the wing did when Obama was elected president. I fully expect this to go on for the length of the new prez' contract.

Responding to votes of no confidence from University of Iowa faculty and students in the Board of Regents for hiring a businessman to lead the institution, regents President Bruce Rastetter said Wednesday he hopes the campus will find a way to move forward.

Rastetter shot down any suggestion that J. Bruce Harreld’s appointment as UI president could be reversed.

“He’s president elect to the University of Iowa, and I appreciate that the faculty and students did not have a vote in no confidence in President Harreld,” Rastetter said. “But at the end of the day, the Board of Regents has hired him. He has a five-year contract. He’s excited about being there.”

Rastetter said Harreld is making calls “across the country” to gain support for the university.

“He’s president elect, and we’re looking forward to him coming to campus and looking forward to him helping us with the next Legislative session,” he said. “I think a number of Iowans are pretty excited about the choice.”

On Tuesday night, UI faculty senators and student government leaders voted no confidence in the regents for hiring Harreld, who has a largely business and not academic background,

“The voice of the undergraduate student body was not seriously considered in the final selection process,” according to the UI Student Government resolution, which stressed that undergraduate students make up 73 percent of the UI enrollment.

The graduate student resolution revisited the board’s vow throughout the presidential search process to value feedback from the UI community.

“However, it is clear that this ‘open’ search was truly not transparent, and the collective voices of all the constituencies at UI were not taken into account and further, actively ignored,” according to the resolution. “It is unfortunate that the board took this action in the face of such fierce and vocal opposition from the UI community.”

The graduate students, however, vowed to work with Harreld to ensure the UI continues “on a path to greatness.” Some faculty members suggested they might not be so willing.

Faculty and students have issued apologies to the other three finalists for the job who were brought to campus and who received strong support from faculty, staff and students — Oberlin College President Marvin Krislov, Tulane University Provost Michael Bernstein and Ohio State University Provost Joseph Steinmetz.

Harreld, a former top executive with IBM, Kraft and Boston Market, starts Nov. 2. His five-year contract calls for a beginning salary of $590,000 and a deferred compensation package of $1 million.
Who cares?He is the President and the crying little I will take my ball and go home crowd can STUFF IT!!

Now just imagine if a Republican wins the presidency. This place will have more whining than a daycare a nap time.
I have a quick question/s- IS it common practice in the business world to send rejected candidates a "letter of apology" by management or regular workers? Is it common practice for faculty/SG to send rejected candidates a "letter of apology"?
I have a quick question/s- IS it common practice in the business world to send rejected candidates a "letter of apology" by management or regular workers? Is it common practice for faculty/SG to send rejected candidates a "letter of apology"?

Of course not. How embarrassing for the university. It's a clown show right now and you can't blame that on the BOR.
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These faculty objectors are so predictably close-minded, it is stunning. They are nothing more than Lemmings. They are desperately in need of a leader yet they don't recognize this.
Difference is I can complain about Berry because I had a vote like everyone else. They need to shut it because they didn't have a vote in how the UI prez is and they shouldn't. They just hate the fact that they might have someone in charge now that could possibly make them work now.
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I think we'd see a lot of angry leftists as well of that happens.
No doubt.

But anyone accusing the other "side" in any politically divisive disagreement of being sore losers is pretty hypocritical at this point. EVERYONE in our current political climate are whining little bitches it seems to me. (including me at time, lol).
Difference is I can complain about Berry because I had a vote like everyone else. They need to shut it because they didn't have a vote in how the UI prez is and they shouldn't. They just hate the fact that they might have someone in charge now that could possibly make them work now.
So if it was always going to be a BOR decision with no input and no interest in representing the actual people the new president was going to lead, why did they waste so much money putting together a dog and pony show for "transparency" and "input"?

We could have saved a lot of time and wasted energy if the BOR had just told the faculty and students that they know best and their input wasn't desired and they should - to quote several posters on this thread - "stuff it".

Seems like a pretty healthy way to run an institute of higher education.
Difference is I can complain about Berry because I had a vote like everyone else. They need to shut it because they didn't have a vote in how the UI prez is and they shouldn't. They just hate the fact that they might have someone in charge now that could possibly make them work now.
To be honest, there won't be a heckuva lot of change in anyone's work duties. You're not going to suddenly see senior level faculty teaching survey courses. The University president doesn't wield that kind of power. That comes at the departmental level.

What you might see, and I'm sure we'll hear about Harreld's plans soon enough, are ways to cut costs and increase revenue through increased donations, fundraising, securing external funding, etc. You might see a greater reliance on early retirement incentives. I think moving toward increasing online learning programs/courses could be in the near future. Many large schools are doing this with a good deal of success.

Something you also might see is melding of some administrative areas, with some of those savings actually going toward increased faculty recruitment. Having read the PDF Metuo Accipiter linked, I actually think Harreld might be more of an advocate for faculty than one might think at first blush.
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Of course not. How embarrassing for the university. It's a clown show right now and you can't blame that on the BOR.

Oh yes I can. They never had any intention of giving the other 3 a chance. They were window dressing to pretend there was some sort of real search. I will support Harreld and give him a chance, but I am not going to pretend the BoR didn't F this up big time by patronizing the faculty, staff and students.
"Some faculty members suggested they might not be so willing."

This is the part that's very bothersome to me. Okay, so Harreld was not the first choice among the vast majority of faculty. Okay, so Rastetter and the Board were less than honest in the hiring process. Let's move on and get to work. It's over and done with, and as faculty we have the choice to help make this a success.

Why was he among the four finalists nominated by the committee of 21? I keep asking this but get no answer.
Why was he among the four finalists nominated by the committee of 21? I keep asking this but get no answer.

and you won't get one since they signed confidentiality agreements. As I said, I am sure he was pushed by Mr. Rastetter who wanted to get one non traditional candidate in the pool and the others agreed thinking he would never really get hired. Well, the joke was on them. He was recruited early on and the whole "search" committee, open house, surveys, search firm hire was nothing but a dog and pony show to try and get more legitimacy for the hire. It was a mistake and blew up on them.
and you won't get one since they signed confidentiality agreements. As I said, I am sure he was pushed by Mr. Rastetter who wanted to get one non traditional candidate in the pool and the others agreed thinking he would never really get hired. Well, the joke was on them. He was recruited early on and the whole "search" committee, open house, surveys, search firm hire was nothing but a dog and pony show to try and get more legitimacy for the hire. It was a mistake and blew up on them.
Thanks bud, that's more of an answer than I've gotten so far. So Rastetter was on the committee? I should have thought of that. Guess he got his ringer in.
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Thanks bud, that's more of an answer than I've gotten so far. So Rastetter was on the committee? I should have thought of that. Guess he got his ringer in.
I thought I had already addressed that in another post. I talked with someone on the search committee and he said there was no way Harreld was not going to be a choice. Their hands were tied.
I thought I had already addressed that in another post. I talked with someone on the search committee and he said there was no way Harreld was not going to be a choice. Their hands were tied.
Sorry man, I guess I missed that. I just saw above that Rastetter was on the search committee which I should have know, or at least guessed, so in both cases, question answered. thanks.
These faculty objectors are so predictably close-minded, it is stunning. They are nothing more than Lemmings. They are desperately in need of a leader yet they don't recognize this.
As a graduate of Iowa, and a resident of Iowa City I hope the new President succeeds. However, in the hiring of a position like this transparency is required. A President of a state university was hired, not the CEO of a corporation. If Harreld participated in duplicity it taints his ability to lead. There are real and actual concerns by a lot of people all across the spectrum in my wife's department. This is a medical department, not some wonky department with tweed coat wearing professors. The hiring process for my wife was very regimented, and she has raised eyebrows to Harreld's hiring.
And, in case it was missed, a nice lump of money was dispatched to Iowa City by Rastetter and the rest of the regents yesterday. Supposedly it was due to Harreld's intense lobbying since he was hired. Really?
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Sorry man, I guess I missed that. I just saw above that Rastetter was on the search committee which I should have know, or at least guessed, so in both cases, question answered. thanks.
I was actually questioning myself. I was wondering if I had a bit of a Homer Simpson moment where I was thinking about posting something that was in my head, but wondered if I actually did post it.

Bottom line: it's done with, the faculty and students have made their views known. Now it's time to get back to work and see what we can do to make Harreld a successful University of Iowa president.
As a graduate of Iowa, and a resident of Iowa City I hope the new President succeeds. However, in the hiring of a position like this transparency is required. A President of a state university was hired, not the CEO of a corporation. If Harreld participated in duplicity it taints his ability to lead. There are real and actual concerns by a lot of people all across the spectrum in my wife's department. This is a medical department, not some wonky department with tweed coat wearing professors. The hiring process for my wife was very regimented, and she has raised eyebrows to Harreld's hiring.
And, in case it was missed, a nice lump of money was dispatched to Iowa City by Rastetter and the rest of the regents yesterday. Supposedly it was due to Harreld's intense lobbying since he was hired. Really?
Same with my department. I don't think anyone believes Rastetter and the BoR were truly going to be objective in their analysis of the candidates. Harreld was their choice before the Final 4 were even chosen. The 3 academic candidates were window dressing.
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