Woah! That is not what I meant at all. That would 100% be a violation and a major one. What I was talking about refers to athletes that are competing and training while not using up their eligibility. I most often hear it called "grey shirting" as opposed to a "red shirt" where the athletes 5 year service clock has started during a red shirt season. So, we have two different situations and two different sets of rules and benefits to consider. I don't want to write a novel, but I also want to be much more clear as people went in a much different direction than I was referring to.

So, the issue that has come up, is that some "Grey Shirts" have received some assistance during their "Grey Shirt" season in order to help them get to open tournaments. This includes transportation, tournament fees, gear, really anything that an athletes competing for Penn State during one of their years during their 5 year window of service time would not have to worry about as the wrestling program would cover those expenses. Well, some organizations have formed and collected money, volunteers, and other resources to help wrestling tournaments or to help the sport grow by helping get more athletes out competing. Those organizations have then made contributions to help those athletes, It is a fine line between an impermissible benefit and a completely legal one. This was ruled completely legal for the time being so long as it is not coordinated by anyone involved with the program in any way shape or form and that includes boosters. It is a very slippery slope though.

Then you have rules for when an athletes is on red shirt and competing and a similiar situation for someone who is competing in different styles such as Freestyle or Greco during the off season. The questions regarding this seems to center around GoFundMe accounts being created and people donating to help someone compete. Without PSU being involved and the athletes never getting any money. Again, very fine lines. However, nothing that anyone at PSU has done (that is talked about in public at least) is a violation. Some people think it absolutely should be a violation though.

I didn't go into a tremendous amount of detail originally because I am not privileged to all of the transactions that have taken place and exactly how they were permitted under the existing rules. However, what I do know is that some rules are going to be changing to address some of these situations that have occurred. I am not making wild accusations.

Dude, if you had only said this at the beginning of the thread! This place is cess pooly enough without the vague accusations leading to wild speculation leading to my fellow Penn State posters getting defensive leading to offended Iowa posters telling said Penn State posters to to take a hike leading to Thai massage jokes (thanks Chief, you know how to lighten up a thread)....
It must be Tin Foil Hat week in Iowa.

WE invented tinfoil ya know

Just ask smalls at Flo................
The tone of this thread is halarious. Even the speculated , we'll pay you later aspect. All the big programs do. Read the HWC or the NLWC websites , they pay "living expenses" , travel expenses etc to the athletes. This is post NCAA , and beyond the reach of the NCAA. Every program with a post graduate club does it , some just better funded than others.
The tone of this thread is halarious. Even the speculated , we'll pay you later aspect. All the big programs do. Read the HWC or the NLWC websites , they pay "living expenses" , travel expenses etc to the athletes. This is post NCAA , and beyond the reach of the NCAA. Every program with a post graduate club does it , some just better funded than others.
The difference being the clubs are only "suppose" to provide assistence to those wrestlers who are no longer eligible to compete for the stated college,
Is there a slush fund at PSU, YES!! Is it against the rules, NOT NOW! Do I have a problem with it, NOT REALLY. I just wish Iowa had the kind of coin psu does!!
Is there a slush fund at PSU, YES!! Is it against the rules, NOT NOW! Do I have a problem with it, NOT REALLY. I just wish Iowa had the kind of coin psu does!!
If and i say if, there is a slush fund at PS and its used for anyone other than those not on the team and no longer having eligibility then YES it is against the rules and a violation. We have funds available for HWC members. Just had an artic plunge to raise money as we don't seem to get the major corporate gifts.
Is there a slush fund at PSU, YES!! Is it against the rules, NOT NOW! Do I have a problem with it, NOT REALLY. I just wish Iowa had the kind of coin psu does!!
Thata boy. Put that tin foil hat good and tight. Careful though, squeeze enough even an air pocket can see a dangerously high pressure.
If and i say if, there is a slush fund at PS and its used for anyone other than those not on the team and no longer having eligibility then YES it is against the rules and a violation. We have funds available for HWC members. Just had an artic plunge to raise money as we don't seem to get the major corporate gifts.
You need to get those kids better jobs.
More realistic is to get enough instate kids and parents to drink your teams Kool-aid and for the parent or kid to agree to either pay or take out enough loans or academic $ to pay for the tuition. Sit with your University coach who will talk your state champion kid to buy into the system and to do it for the greater good of the team and with little or $0 dollars for athletics. Get enough of those kids and you can build a great program and built in partners to improve your studs.
What gets thrown around as great room kids is just the equivalent of scout teams in football.
This is the reason it was rumored several programs were offering St. Paris Graham's High School Coach, Jeff Jordan, an assistant coach position when his son Bo Jordan was in High School still. This would have given a school: Bo, Micah, and current HS Junior and nationally ranked Rocky Jordan, full scholarships while leaving the full 9.9 available to sign other recruits. That would have been huge advantage for that program. It obviously did not come to fruition.
JJ wouldn't take the pay cut along with not wanting to deal with the headaches of college coaching. Bo may become a college coach before taking over his dads business....of course, I always thought Bo would end up in Iowa.