Referring to blacks, cop says its not against the law "to put an animal down"

Ahhhhh, the liberal left "hate-a-cop" circle jerk.

I'm not a liberal , but I do hate "bad" cops. Abusing power is the about the worst type of offense an authority figure can commit.

I think we're seeing that while only a small % of cops are horrible , many more become unacceptable by not reporting them. The fraternal protective culture is the problem for both good and bad cops.
Bad cop who needs to go.

If you were to check the work/personal e-mails/texts of employees of any big business or government agency - even the company you work for - you would probably be surprised at the stupid bias views that you could find. The targets would be wide ranging.

Police departments are made up of people from society and you are going to get societal biases. Weed the bad officers out as you go and go on but this is more than a police department problem. We over report the bad and under report the good and the view that builds is not good for our country overall.
I'm not a liberal , but I do hate "bad" cops. Abusing power is the about the worst type of offense an authority figure can commit.

I think we're seeing that while only a small % of cops are horrible , many more become unacceptable by not reporting them. The fraternal protective culture is the problem for both good and bad cops.
This. Sorry, but protecting bad cops makes one a bad cop.

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