Remember when people spoke about Nikki Haley like she could win

She does have a bachelors in accounting from Clemson, so we should definitely defer to her on this.
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Seems like a reasonable person. Something we're in short supply of now days.

If you disagree with what she said, you are either dumb af or a partisan douche. Maybe both.

Yes, because no one can be charged with a felony for attempting a crime :rolleyes:. I’m beginning to think these Trump d-bags are the product of generations of cousin-on-cousin coitus.
In Trump world, committing a federal felony is “asking for a favor.”

Yet more classics from the purported constitutional conservatives party.

This has happened in every administration throughout the history of administrations.

This is just another nothing burger that will be DOA in the senate. It's a dog and pony show in the house because they have the power to do so. It's purely political, and I hope it bites them in the ass.
Every president ever has asked foreign leaders for favors that might have the effect of helping them politically.

Yes. Every one.

Lol. If so, you could easily list every time a President has withheld Congressionally approved funds from an ally on the condition that the ally announce a public investigation of the President’s political rival.

You law and order cons haven’t quite hit the bottom, but you can see it from there.
Lol. If so, you could easily list every time a President has withheld Congressionally approved funds from an ally on the condition that the ally announce a public investigation of the President’s political rival.

You law and order cons haven’t quite hit the bottom, but you can see it from there.

As Nikki pointed out, the money wasn't withheld.

You wanna rethink your argument?
Every president ever has asked foreign leaders for favors that might have the effect of helping them politically.

Yes. Every one.

That’s true, but there’s a big difference between those and this “favor”, Trad: this was very much illegal on two levels:

1) The aid could not be legally withheld. Anyone with basic knowledge of the system of checks and balances in the three branches of government, knows that the Constitution gives the Congress the power of the purse string, and that the White House can not violate that or it’s an abuse of power.

2) The White House can not pressure a foreign government to open a sham investigation, and they certainly can’t do that through a back channel of a scheming private citizen attorney. Our forefathers knew the potential dangers to the Republic if our government became compromised by foreign influences, rather than beholden to the will of the people.

A third reason this President could have been impeached was in the very beginning, the flaunting of the emoluments clause. Again, it raised all sorts of alarm bells that corruption would reign with this President. Unfortunately, Republicans only pay the Constitution lip service to win elections, and are too stupid or too disloyal to our values to care. They have been busy wiping their ass with it every chance they can.
No. I shouldn’t have to explain that you don’t have to complete the crime to be charged with the attempt. LOL
I was going to point out the same thing.

Attempted murder is nearly as heinous as actual murdering someone. Just doesn't carry the same penalty.

In Haley's case... she's echoing the Party right now, like most others. If she runs in 2024... none of her statements here will hurt her. It will be viewed as be intimidated by the WH. I hope the Dems lead the executive branch for the next eight years. It will take that long to fix the current mess.
That’s true, but there’s a big difference between those and this “favor”, Trad: this was very much illegal on two levels:

1) The aid could not be legally withheld. Anyone with basic knowledge of the system of checks and balances in the three branches of government, knows that the Constitution gives the Congress the power of the purse string, and that the White House can not violate that or it’s an abuse of power.

2) The White House can not pressure a foreign government to open a sham investigation, and they certainly can’t do that through a back channel of a scheming private citizen attorney. Our forefathers knew the potential dangers to the Republic if our government became compromised by foreign influences, rather than beholden to the will of the people.

A third reason this President could have been impeached was in the very beginning, the flaunting of the emoluments clause. Again, it raised all sorts of alarm bells that corruption would reign with this President. Unfortunately, Republicans only pay the Constitution lip service to win elections, and are too stupid or too disloyal to our values to care. They have been busy wiping their ass with it every chance they can.
I can't believe anyone in the left would have the balls to post what you did in #2 after all we know about the russia stuff. One candidate paid a foreign intelligence officer to dig up dirt on her opponent, and multiple levels of government employees helped push it along, yet that was okay right? Lol, bunch of friggin hypocrites.
I can't believe anyone in the left would have the balls to post what you did in #2 after all we know about the russia stuff. One candidate paid a foreign intelligence officer to dig up dirt on her opponent, and multiple levels of government employees helped push it along, yet that was okay right? Lol, bunch of friggin hypocrites.

Candidates pay for opposition research all the time, but you’re too dumb to know the difference. The Russia stuff proved to be true, BTW. His being caught red-handed attempting to collude with Ukraine proves it.
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If you disagree with what she said, you are either dumb af or a partisan douche. Maybe both.

Well, she's wrong, so who does that make dumb or a partisan douche.

Please note, I've voted for one Dem this century, two ever, and he's a currently sitting member of the House. So it's obviously not me that's a partisan douche.
If you disagree with what she said, you are either dumb af or a partisan douche. Maybe both.

He didn't ask for a hooker (his usual), he asked for a foreign government to spread false information on a political opponent.

So if someone "asks" a person to kill their spouse for money, that's no big deal to you, it's just a favor?
Candidates pay for opposition research all the time, but you’re too dumb to know the difference. The Russia stuff proved to be true, BTW. His being caught red-handed attempting to collude with Ukraine proves it.
Lol, from foreign entities? With government employees assisting along the way? Just admit you're okay with shit like this as long as it's your side doing it and honest discussions can actually occur. Until then, gfy.
Lol, from foreign entities? With government employees assisting along the way? Just admit you're okay with shit like this as long as it's your side doing it and honest discussions can actually occur. Until then, gfy.

^ Yep, DEFINITELY too dumb to know the difference.

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