Remember when trump picked Vance?

Trump picked Vance when he thought he had an easy election against old Joe.

Now old man Trump is probably wishing he had a running mate that didn’t look just like a younger Donald Trump. Nothing to attract suburban women or minorities. And Vance’s wife doesn’t move the needle at all. The only thing she’s generated is racist internet remarks from MAGA keyboard warriors.
Yep. Very, very dumb misstep at this point.

Maybe it won't matter, the world ALWAYS overestimates the importance of VP picks.

But still, it was a moronic decision. Which surprises me given that Trump's campaign is being run about 20x better than 2020 or even 2016.
Bob Vance's son

Do you remember when it was announced and the board dems were like, yeah he's an asshole who backtracked his words but he is undeniably intelligent cuz Pepperidge Farms 'members.

Let me know when you bring "intelligent" onto your ticket.
Would anybody be surprised if Trump dumped Vance? I doubt it would happen but Trump is not known for his loyalty.
Not at all. Just look at the debate last month — Trump was hitting Biden for his inability to fire people. Well, if he needs a new VP candidate, big bad Don should just tell Vance "YOU'RE FIRED" and get someone else. That's what a true ALPHA DAWG would do.
Not at all. Just look at the debate last month — Trump was hitting Biden for his inability to fire people. Well, if he needs a new VP candidate, big bad Don should just tell Vance "YOU'RE FIRED" and get someone else. That's what a true ALPHA DAWG would do.
Don will tell someone else to fire Vance. He’s too cowardly to do it in person.
Yep. Very, very dumb misstep at this point.

Maybe it won't matter, the world ALWAYS overestimates the importance of VP picks.

But still, it was a moronic decision. Which surprises me given that Trump's campaign is being run about 20x better than 2020 or even 2016.
Well, saying this campaign is being run better than those earlier campaigns is setting the bar very low. I will admit I’ve been surprised he’s been able to stay relatively disciplined; not that Biden was ever able to apply pressure and potentially rattle him.
Would anybody be surprised if Trump dumped Vance? I doubt it would happen but Trump is not known for his loyalty.
It’s only a matter of time; his history assures us of that.

If he does lose in November, he won’t take long to blame people for losing - along with nonexistent fraud of course.
Well, saying this campaign is being run better than those earlier campaigns is setting the bar very low. I will admit I’ve been surprised he’s been able to stay relatively disciplined; not that Biden was ever able to apply pressure and potentially rattle him.

It’s only a matter of time; his history assures us of that.

If he does lose in November, he won’t take long to blame people for losing - along with nonexistent fraud of course.

I read something interesting that is worth keeping in mind.

Trump's post-2020 stolen election shenanigans created civil wars that eviscerated several state Republican orgs. Arizona most publicly, but in places like PA, NV and other contested states, the state GOPs conducted loyalty purges, drained coffers pursuing absurd lawsuits, etc.

In several close states, the Republican party is totally broke and in shambles. The republican gotv apparatus in these states is going to be way worse than 2020, let alone 2016, if not virtually nonexistent.

This is going to be closer than they wanted to think it would be, and tapping a guy in Vance that adds zero new voters to the coalition, could end up being a deadly mistake.
It wouldn't surprise me if MAGA opposition researchers are already looking for dirt on Vance to use as a pretext.

But, realistically, if Trump throws JD Vance under the bus after nearly getting Pence killed, it may be impossible to get anyone decent to replace him. Maybe Steve Bannon could run for VP from his prison cell.
Trump might actually need Haley on the ticket.

I bet some "medical issue" arises and Vance removes himself from the ticket.
Trump picked Vance when he thought he had an easy election against old Joe.

Now old man Trump is probably wishing he had a running mate that didn’t look just like a younger Donald Trump. Nothing to attract suburban women or minorities. And Vance’s wife doesn’t move the needle at all. The only thing she’s generated is racist internet remarks from MAGA keyboard warriors.
Vance is coming out with a sexy calendar so that may move the needle.
  • Haha
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It wouldn't surprise me if MAGA opposition researchers are already looking for dirt on Vance to use as a pretext.

But, realistically, if Trump throws JD Vance under the bus after nearly getting Pence killed, it may be impossible to get anyone decent to replace him. Maybe Steve Bannon could run for VP from his prison cell.

Vance is the MAGA pick. And the pick of all the MAGA populist grifters who want a life and scam beyond Trump.

If Vance was pushed aside, it would be the doing of more pragmatic Republican operators. The question is, is Trump listening to anyone outside the MAGA grift-osphere? Normally I'd say of course not, but I'm not 100% sure he isn't this time around. But it would take a LOT to get a replacement here, I don't see it happening.
Yep. Very, very dumb misstep at this point.

Maybe it won't matter, the world ALWAYS overestimates the importance of VP picks.

But still, it was a moronic decision. Which surprises me given that Trump's campaign is being run about 20x better than 2020 or even 2016.
Naming Vance VP and face planting the acceptance speech layup were a couple major stumbles for Trump.
Vance is the MAGA pick. And the pick of all the MAGA populist grifters who want a life and scam beyond Trump.

If Vance was pushed aside, it would be the doing of more pragmatic Republican operators. The question is, is Trump listening to anyone outside the MAGA grift-osphere? Normally I'd say of course not, but I'm not 100% sure he isn't this time around. But it would take a LOT to get a replacement here, I don't see it happening.
There’s no non- MAGA republicans left.

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