Report from Saturday’s Practice

Lots to watch...hard to keep track of all of it. 125: Gilman with Stickley...Gilman in control as you'd expect. Lee was drilling hard with Laux...then moved to Eustice when live goes started. I'm not sure if Lee and Eustice were going live or just drilling really hard. 133: Didn't see much of Laux. Somebody was giving Clark a run for his money...looked like he had some weight on Clark and I'm not sure who he was. 141: Turk going with Murin...I think. Very scrappy goes...Turk looked really explosive...his partner didn't back down, but Turk was getting the scores. 149: Lugo looked good against Dardanes...but Dardanes held his own too. Lugo looks like he has size on Dardanes...he looks way bigger than Turk. Sorenson going with Kemerer. Some good scrambles & battles...I didn't see tons of it...the scores I saw seemed to be Kemerer's and resulted from long scrambles. Marinelli drilling hard with Morningstar. Young looked great...scores all the time from every position. Not sure who his partner is. Warner looked great on his feet. Stoll looked really big compared to Costello and was controling the action from what I saw.