Reporter asks Trump if he will feel responsible if anything happens to Fauci

The next time Trump accepts responsibility for anything will be the first.
Well it sure as hell isn't from a lack of trying. Amazing that absolutely none of the crazy ass charges stuck isn't it? Almost uncanny...
He was convicted on 34 felony counts.
He was found liable on civil sexual assault charges.

The other proceedings were dismissed because he took office, but probably would’ve been convicted there as well.

Get off FOXNews, you dummy.
My retired lawyer Dad who likes Trump after 70 years of being a Democrat excused these 34 felonies because "they were all from one case."

He's a lawyer and he's 100% correct. Like I've said prior, its like writing a fraudulent check and getting a separate charge for every letter you wrote on the check. One charge for each ledger entry in an accounting record documenting multiple payments for a single payoff.
My retired lawyer Dad who likes Trump after 70 years of being a Democrat excused these 34 felonies because "they were all from one case."

The more shameless part is they were misdemeanor charges turned into felony post statutes of limitations with zero people claiming to be victims. Nobody with a brain cares about the trump felonies bc they've seen through the democrat playbook and we're not remotely impressed.

Trump has done more in the last 5 days to actually help Americans than Biden and dems did in 4.