Republicans Commit Most Voter Fraud

Nov 28, 2010

Pretty amusing.

The Minnesota Post reported that an analysis of over 2,000 cases of voter fraud revealed an “infinitesimal” rate of fraud, and that “in person” fraud of the type that is targeted by voter ID laws is “virtually non-existent.”

The irony of the big GOP push for voter ID laws seems to be that when it comes to actual voter fraud, Republicans are often the ones who are most responsible. Consider the following examples of voter fraud that have been committed over the past few years:

-- The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has recently closed two cases involving Strategic Allied Consulting, a Republican hired vendor. Although investigators found at least 11 voter registration forms that were of questionable authenticity, no charges were filed due to lack of evidence. Strategic Allied Consulting is the subject of three ongoing cases in Florida. A FDLE spokesperson said that no details could be provided regarding those cases.
-- Last November two Republican voters in separate states decided to prove how easy it would be to vote illegally. Both were arrested and charged with voter fraud.
-- In February 2012 a jury found Indiana’s Republican secretary of state, Charlie White, guilty on six counts of voter fraud, theft, and perjury.
-- Four staffers of Republican congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) were indicted last August, charged with submitting over 1,500 “forged and falsified” signatures in what the Michigan attorney general, also a Republican, called a “blatant” and “disgraceful” attempt to qualify the congressman for last year’s ballot.
The overwhelming mass of voter fraud in Florida are people that vote both here and at their real home in New York and New Jersey. They are primarily democrats.
Imagine that - a website run by a former DFL candidate for lieutenant governor would come to a conclusion like this. How could that ever happen?
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This is one of those things that whether the source leans left or right determines who commits the most fraud. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Of course, why do you think they are so sure it's happening?
Just look at all the cases listed in the start of the thread. No telling how many more are out there with a more through Google search plus if you look for cases on the Democratic side you may find something there to.
Just look at all the cases listed in the start of the thread. No telling how many more are out there with a more through Google search plus if you look for cases on the Democratic side you may find something there to.

If both sides do it, why are the conservatives only targeting black voters?
Imagine that - a website run by a former DFL candidate for lieutenant governor would come to a conclusion like this. How could that ever happen?
Yes, we know this is a totally objective source. It's not like Minn has ever had any Dem voter fraud helping Al Franken get elected. Nah.
LOL...someone from Minnesota claiming voter fraud. Ever hear of Stewart Frankin?