Reynold's latest rural school to dissolve...

Simple math tells that 90 is normal

Say a bus route has 60 kids on it…even an average of 1 minute a kid is 60 minutes… and that’s before any driving time
Michael Jordan Lol GIF
Simple math tells that 90 is normal

Say a bus route has 60 kids on it…even an average of 1 minute a kid is 60 minutes… and that’s before any driving time
It's illegal in Iowa.

43.1(3) The riding time, under normal conditions, from the designated stop to the attendance center, or on the return trip, shall not exceed 75 minutes for high school pupils or 60 minutes for elementary pupils.

Sounds like the Orient Macksburg school district will decide on dissolution next week.

Cutting funding to public schools has consequences.

Chalk one up to Dim Kim's efforts to reduce staffing challenges.

Oh, well!
How is what you globalists did to the ag industry the governor of Iowa’s fault you moron? 😂
Every school closing or consolidation in the past, present and future is Kim Reynolds fault. I hate that B.